The Chosen Coconut...

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A/n: Hehe Hes a Coconut :D


"Armin" you whispered after Marco said 'Then chosen one' and he was the only one not affected by the heat.

A scream erupted threw out the place as a man with most of his body burned off came running in.

"Hes here the chosen child is here one who has not sinned" the man screeched.

"Goldy" Kitty tried to calm him down.

"Stop calling me that the names Chris" he spat. The guy had blonde hair or what was left of it and blood shot red eyes full of fear.

"You will always be Goldy you blond prick"

  Kitty voice turned mean within seconds.

Levi's P.O.V

'What the hell did I just see' a brat went up and touched Armin claiming that if they were not going to take him then he will fire erupted and the guy was torn basically to pieces with little bits of him left he ran into the building screaming bloody murder as everyone else stepped away from him.

"What the hell are we going to do we cant have the fucking chosen one here he could kill us all and we would live in darkness forever" Garry yelled.

They started bickering as they did I motioned Mikasa and Sasha to come to me and we worked out a plan. Sasha was to distract the ugly monsters/men well Mikasa highs tails it inside I was to grab Armin he was our best chance of getting out of here alive.

Armins P.O.V

I sat there horrified with what I did to that man. Even though he was trying to hurt me I didnt want to kill him again and send him to eternal darkness.

I sat there as the men were bickering and yelling at eachother as I stood there a hand came over my mouth so I didnt scream they pulled me away from all that was happening.

I turned to see if I had destroyed them to but it was Levi.

"Levi..." he cut me off with his hand "shh brat" he spat I saw Sasha running with half the demons chasing after her but no Mikasa.

"Wheres Mika.." he cut me off again "oi brat I said shut up shes inside right now I need you to walk beside me then we can get in without being taken."

I nodded and he brought us to the opening of the door we saw Mikasa leaning against a wall and looking into the hallway like she use to do to suprise Eren.

We went next to her "good you got him" she whispered "yeah" Levi replied rolling his eyes.

"What you looking at" he asked "there are guards infront of the door we need Armin to go in for us" she whispered and looked at me. Levi looked at me to and I knew I had no choose in the matter either I do it or my friends may never wake up.

I shucked my emotions up and walked forward the guards saw me and laughed "look at this tough guy he thinks hes all that" one said holding his side I went up to him and his friend tried to grab me fire erupted from him and he started screaming the first guy looked at me.

"What the hell did you do kid" I smiled my eyes turned gold my voice deepened as I said the lines "and whos the tough guy now" with that I touched him and he erupted into flames but inside turned into ash a huge pile of ash.

I turned eyes still gold as Mikasa and Levi looked mouths wide open eyes huge "Armin are you ok" Mikasa questioned my eyes slowly turning back to blue. "Better then ever"


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter I was up late last night Rping then had to go to work.... but dont worry tommrow after school there will hopefully be a longer chapter :D bye Lovelys


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