Welcome to Hell Population Us.

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Marcos P.O.V

"Mother of all things good you just had to ruin my plan didn't you freckles" the girl pouted in a corner.

"That was my only chance to leave this place and get my revenge". I stood there thinking what a brat this girl is.

"Well you got me and the child's safe" was all I said. It was hot down here the sky oozed lava and it smelled of fear. I rolled my eyes trying to be nice.

"Names Marco" she turned and gave me the figure.

"Kitty" well Kitty you are a bitch. I paced back and forward this is going to be my life from now on....

Your P.O.V

You guys got all the stuff that you needed and started to figure out how in the name of humanity you were going to get into hell.

Jean suggested to kill someone bad and looked over at Eren who punched him. You giggled then Armin spoke up "hey guys this may seem weird but I read a book about things like this and well... one of use is gonna have to act as the sacrifice..."

Everyone gasped sacrifice but who? Eren walked up to Armin and whispered something in his ear his eyes widen and he yelled.

"No not you I don't know if the trick will work or not or if we would be able to get you back."

Everyone's eyes widen as they realized what he had whispered "Eren are you fucking insane."

Mikasa yelled nearly popping everyone's ear drums "the guy saved my kid and hey we will be in hell anyways just pull me out to" you walked up and engulfed him in a bear hug.

"I won't let you do this" you whispered he laid his head on your forehead.

"I want to do this" with that a tear felled from your eyes as you kissed his forehead.

"I love you Jaeger" he smiled "I love you to (l/n)" with that they started to prepare.

"It's all just a dream right" he whispered to himself but you heard him.

"I hope so".

Eren's P.O.V

They took my shirt off and laid me on the floor.

"Are you sure about this buddy" Armin asked concern all over his face. I nodded and Armin this was your idea anyways.

I offered to do it because no one else would and I didn't want (y/n) to do it knowing her she most likely put herself up here. They surrounded me and Armin started chanting weird shit.

A bright red light came and they kept chanting as a person came out they had horns and a wicked smile. Once they were fully out everyone broke hands and charged tures the light leaving me with this monster he picked me up and we vanished into the light like everyone else.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter but more will be added after school today :3

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