22. Snacks

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Y/n pov

so like usual, i couldn't stay away from him and we ended up as friends again.

"Ooo kawa get Milk bread" I said putting chips into the basket, "Ah you just reminded me thank you!" He said with stars in his eyes skipping to the baked goods isle. "This boy is gonna be the death of me" I said to myself.

"Alright I got my milk bread" He said placing the bag into the basket. "To the candy isle we go, we should get some popsicles to" I said laughing at his antics. "Alright to the candy isle we go!" he said intertwining his hands with mine. This is a new feeling.

"Okay" I said loud enough for him to hear, "shit" I said falling on my ass "Shit sorry for that" A boy with blonde hair said. "It's okay" I said standing up. "Hey could I get your number by chance? Oh and it's Terushima" he said "Yeah sure I'm Y/n" I said shaking his hand.

I put my phone number in his phone and then walked away to find Oikawa, "Ayo Oikawa where'd you go?" I asked "Boo" he said covering my eyes. "Hey that was mean now go pick out some candy and grab some jelly sticks" I said pointing to the candy. "Okay princess" he said grabbing some candy.

"Hey who are you calling princess?" I asked hitting his shoulder "well you duh who else?" He said sticking his tongue out.

"Ya know what I realized every setter does this pouty thing" I said grabbing popsicles. "What pouty thing this one?" He says doing that pouty thing.

"Yeah that pouty face I swear to god every setter I've seen does it" I said.

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