16. Little cutie

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Y/n pov

"Mm hey little cutie" Toorū said kissing me "hey" I said softly while looking up at him. "She's coming" he says into my ear. "Baby I have to go to class" I fake whined "You can go to class as soon as you give me a kiss" he said. i finally caved and kissed him.

"Really Toorū her?" Natsu says giving me that look of disgust, "what's so great about her? I'm obviously a much better fit for you" she says rolling her eyes then walking away

"nice act but next time try and make out with me" he says gliding his thumb over my lips.

"Anyways I've got to go I have practice" I said rolling my eyes walking away. "Nice act you put out there" Yui said with a small laugh "Thanks, but honestly when I look at him or when he calls me these pet names I don't get butterflies in my tummy the way I used to" I confessed.

"Y/n do you still have feelings for Oikawa?" Sakura asked "I'm not sure" I choked out "Okay cause if you don't I know a guy from the basketball team who would date you" Mei said laughing her ass off "Yeah I mean sure send his number or something" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay just so you know he's the captain of the basketball team" she said typing his number in my phone "hmm sounds interesting introduce me to him soon" I said walking into the gym.

"Actually there he is now" Mei said pointing to the boy in the basketball uniform "yes mei because that helps when there's like eighteen boys in a basketball jersey" I said looking up to the upper floor.

"I'll introduce you to him after practice" Mei says putting her gym bag down "alright" I said tying my hair up. "Alright girls practice match against the boys and then suicides" coach said making us groan.

"Yahoo hey y/n-chan" Toorū said slinging an arm around my shoulder "fuck off shittykawa" I said taking his arm off my shoulder and pushing him back to his team.

"Ugh why does it have to be today where the captain and vice captain can't play today" i groaned "most of all why do I have to go up" I ranted to mei "because besides our captains you're most fitting" she said pushing me to where the ref was.

Oikawa and I shook hands "Good game baby" Oikawa whispered into my ear. "Yeah yeah whatever the faster we can get this match over with the faster we can get suicides over with" I said shaking his hand.

"Tails" I said, the coin landed on tails meaning that we were serving first. "We're serving" I said to coach and then walking to the back of the court where I would start my serve.

"Y/n don't use all of your power use at least 25%" coach said to me. I nodded me head and threw the ball up then taking a few steps jumping into the air hitting the ball making it fly across the net.

The ball hit the ground and bounced up the the next floor hitting one of the basketball players. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" I said running up to the mezzanine. "Are you okay" I asked helping them blue haired boy up. "Yeah I'm okay thank you" He said rubbing his forehead.

"meet me after practice and I'll make it up to you" I said then running back into the court.

I was at the net when he said "Oi y/n remember who you belong to" Toorū said making me roll my eyes at him. "Shut up".

Aikko and I were on court so she was setting is what we had both decided. behind my back I put my hand in a fist letting Aikko know that we were gonna do a power play.

"Nice receive" Aikko yelled then setting the ball to me. I waited for the middles to start landing then I started to jump hitting the ball making it bounce hit the court in a split second. "y/n what did I tell you about not using anything more than 25% of your power" coach scolded.

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