13. Fake date?

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Y/n pov

"Hey y/n I need help" Toorū says stuffing a piece of chicken into my mouth "One rude two that's some good ass chicken" I said melting into the taste. "Yes I know I know but we need to fake date" he said.

My eyes went wide "i-why do we need to fake date?" I asked "I need to make my ex girlfriend Natsu jealous" he said. I mean it's the closest I'll get to dating him so sure. "Okay" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay so basically I can kiss you whenever I want I'll probably be wrapping my arms around your waist or your shoulders oh and I get to hug you too" he said basically explaining everything that couples do.

"Okay" I said eating my beef. "so when does this whole fake dating this start" I asked "mmm how about now little Cutie" he said pecking my lips.

"I-okay then" I coughed eating my food. "Alright ready to go put on a show princess?" He asked extending his hand out for me to take "yeah sure" I said taking his hand.

this was gonna be hard.

Our hands intertwined together as we walked through the halls of the school making our way to the gym.

"Told you she would say yes" Sakura said "correct you were" Oikawa said placing me onto his lap. "Word is already going around that you guys are dating" Yui said "or as we would say fake dating" Yuna said.

"Well we are fake dating right babe?" Oikawa said kissing my cheek "yeah"

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