11. Grey Sweatpants

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Y/n pov

can you come over and help me with my homework?

What subject?

Math and chem

You're lucky those are my two best subjects I'll be there in like 10-15 minutes?


I got out of bed and put on oikawas hoodie that he gave me a few days ago and some sweats and did my hair.

I started walking to the convince store to get snacks and drinks.

I got to his house and I knocked on the door, his door swung open with a shirtless Oikawa wearing grey sweatpants. Packing? yes. And no shirt on with water dripping down his torso. Well fuck I better not get a fucking nose bleed.

(I'm more of a visual learner too dw)

"Hey y/n come in" Oikawa said opening the door so I could come in "Thanks" I said walking in then taking off my shoes.

"Follow me" he said walking to the stairs, I followed him into his room which was surprisingly very clean. "Nice room" I complemented looking around.

I sat on his chair and he pouted at me "y/n that's my chair!" He whined "nope it's mine tonigh-AHH" I cut myself off, I was being lifted into the air and sat on something. "There now we can both sit on it little cutie" He said putting his hands around my waist. Holy shit I'm gonna crash out.

Hours later after helping him with his homework we were watching tiktoks together on my phone I was still on his lap sitting on the chair and his arms were still around my waist. "There'd be no sun light if I lose you baby, and there'd be no clear skies if I lose you baby" I sang quietly along the song.

"You can sing?" He asked "yeah I guess so" I said softly with a smile "you're good at it, you should sing more often around me" he said liking the tiktok. "maybe I will" I smiled once again.

"I like your smile"

"My smile?"

"Yeah it makes me smile, your smile is contagious"

"Really?" I asked turning around so I was now straddling his waist.

𝐓𝐎𝐃 // 𝐎𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐖𝐀 𝐓Where stories live. Discover now