31. This song hits diff slowed

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Y/n Pov

Before rotation one of the girls said my name "Y/n" she says "If you hit the remaining serves of the game out you have to break up with your boyfriend" she says "and why the fuck would I do that?" I asked. "Maybe I'll try and get with him" she winks. I rolled my eyes and went to the back row where I would serve.

"Y/n keep your cool" Coach yelled "It's hard to keep my cool when other bitches are trynna get with my man" I mumbled before tossing the ball up and running my approach. I hit the ball so it flew across the net hitting right on the line from what I could tell.

The flag people made the sign that it was in, "Nice serve y/n" Sakura says throwing the ball to me. I caught the ball and looked up at him. "If you miss this I'll kiss her" he mouths to me before looking at Shiratorizawa's middle blocker.

"Fuck you" I mouth to him before bouncing the ball up and down. "Fucking womenizer" I say to myself before hitting the ball over the net with my monster jump serve.

"One more point y/n end this match" Mei says.

The ball went flying over the net and in no time hitting the floor right in front of their Libero. The ref blew the whistle indicating that the game was over.

We shook hands and walked of the court each coaches going to the other side to talk to the players. "You guys are a powerful bunch" she says "Good game you girls won fair and square. but at the inter high, my girls are going to crush you guys" she says walking back to her side to exchange a few words with my coach.

"Fucking bitch could've threw me off my game" I said chugging some water "I know, I know" Yuna says "did you see what Toorū mouthed to me?" I asked "yep" She says. "I swear to god if I didn't keep my cool I would've served a ball or his and her head" I grumble. "Such a fuckwad" I say out of anger, "Y/n baby good game" He says walking up to me.

"Careful what you do she's angry" Akari says "Y/n why are you mad at me" he pouted. "You and that bitch almost threw me off my game" I said. "Okay and?" He asked as if he doesn't play volleyball himself.  "Okay and? You act as if you haven't played volleyball in result of a dare" I say rolling my eyes.

"And how do you expect me to stay cool when you literally said that you would kiss her" I said wrapping the towel around my neck. "Y/n calm down" Sakura said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I tossed the storage room keys to Mei and walked into the change room.

Oikawa Pov

"Give her time to cool off I've never seen her this aggravated before" Sakura says to me. "I don't understand why she's so mad though" I said to Iwaizumi. "Maybe it's because you said that you would kiss another girl if she missed the serve" Iwa said slapping the back of my head.

"Owwww Iwa-Chan that hurt" I whinnied "But why is she so mad? She landed the serve" I say "What would you have done if she missed it?" He asked "I wouldn't have kissed her either way" I said. "Y/n is the teams back bone, the worst thing you could do is aggravate her in a middle of the game, it's like when Kyoutani gets mad in the middle of the game and starts hitting the ball out." He says.

"What does maddog have to do with this?" I asked "Let me finish now imagine she missed all of her sets because she was pissed off for no reason" he says again. "Don't make her apologize for this, she's always the one apologizing. Try filling that role for once" he says before walking away.

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