29. Cuddles

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Y/n Pov

"Ready to head out?" I asked putting on my runners "Yep!" He says with a cheery smile "Alright" I say walking out the door as he followed behind me.

"Don't overwork yourself to much today okay? No need to hurt your knee even more especially with the inter high coming up" I say watching him lock the door before turning to face me.

"What's up?" I asked him. He walked towards me and put his arms around my waist making me out my arms around his neck instantly "Is something wrong?" I asked him "Nothing I just want to hug you" he says. "Tooru we have to get going or else we're gonna be late" I say to him "Five more minutes" he mumbles into my neck.

"Okay" I say listening to his steady heartbeat, "I really love you, you know that Y/n?" he asks "I really love you to Tooru" I say  "Tooru we have to go" I say "Just five more minutes" he mumbles "Tooru, You said that five minutes ago" I said letting go of the hug "fineee" he says "You can have all the hugs and cuddles you want after volleyball" I say walking down the road towards the school. "Okay fine" He huffs.

"Oh yeah today's a practice match against Shiratorizawa for me" I say "you nervous?" he asks holding my hand "Yeah a bit not gonna lie" I sigh he only hummed in response.

"Hey bitches I brought your captain back" I say opening the door to the gym "Thank god" Iwaizumi says "see everyone, your vice captain does care about your captain" I declare making Iwaizumi glare at me.

"Hey I'll be right back I'm gonna go get something from my locker" Toorū says walking away while taking my hand. Well I guess I'm coming with him, "Toorū we passed your lockers" I say to him.

He leaned against the wall and pulled me into a hug "I can tell how nervous you are" he says quietly. Read me like a book. I wrapped my arms around his waist and just listened to his steady heartbeat to calm me down.

"I love you" he whispers "I love you too" I whisper back, I closed my eyes and sighed.


"Hey babe do you know where Y/n went?" Mei asked Iwaizumi "Oikawa dragged her somewhere to his locker I think" he says "Great thanks!" She says kissing his cheek and then running off to find her friend.

She ran through the hallways and stopped when she heard familiar voices. She peeked through the corner and saw the couple hugging each other against the wall.

She decided on walking back and just calling her phone.

"Hey hey hey look at this" Mei said to her teammates showing them the photo of the two hugging each other "Bye single lives matter too" Aikko says.

"Hey y/n Shiratorizawa is gonna be here soon you should come back now" Mei says into the phone.


"Okay yeah I'm on my way thanks" I say hanging up "I have to go so I'll see you in the stands yeah?" I say "good luck" he says giving me a kiss "Thanks" I say walking into the gym.

"Alright Shiratorizawa should be here soon so they're gonna warm up first and then you guys are next" Coach says. "Alright" I say looking up in the stands to see the boys team as well as many other people.

"Who knew our practice matches could rev up such a crowd" Sakura says "Y-yeah" I say quietly. "God damn why are there so many boys?" Akari asks "Their all Y/n's fan boys" Erina says.

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