25. New Years Eve

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Y/n pov

"Y/n hurry up and put your dress on so we can take pictures" Mei said "yeah yeah" I said putting my dress on. "Shit you look hot" Erina said "thank you" I said putting on lipgloss "Oikawas gonna give you a fun time tonight" Sakura said.

I blushed and shook my head "He's probably gonna kiss one of his fan girls" I said rolling my eyes, "yeah sure anyways we should go now" Sakura said. "Yep I'm ready" I said putting on some heals.

We got to Oikawas house and walked in the smell of drugs and alcohol fill the air as we walked inside. "Y/n hey" Kyotani said "Hey kyo! go say hi to your girlfriend shes over there" I said pointing to where Aikko was. He nodded and left.

I went to go get myself a drink when someone pulled my wrist making me turn around "Oikawa hey" I said smiling at him. "You should've called me and told me you were here" he said with a pout. "Go cry about it Toorū" I said walking away.

"Got any vodka?" I asked "Always do" he said handing me the bottle of liquor, I put some ice into a red solo cup and put some vodka inside with a lime.

"Come dance with me yeah?" He asked "okay" I said walking over to where everyone was dancing.

I started swaying my hips when I felt two hand on my waist "Keep going" Oikawa whispered into my ear making shivers go down my spine.

Time skip
"1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone yelled.

Suddenly I felt a lips plant on mine as I pulled away "Happy New Years Y/n" he said. "Happy New Years Oikawa" I said with a soft smile on my face.

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