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Y/n pov

"I don't understand why I feel like this I don't even like him. Nope. Nope I don't like Oikawa. He's just a friend. We are just friends" I said to myself while pacing around the room. "Y/n, it's okay if you do actually like him" Mei said hugging me. "ugh i'm just gonna call Konoha?" I asked. "Nope, you are NOT calling your ex boyfriend" Sakura said.

"Listen y/n your a bad bitch who doesnt need her shitty ex boyfriend" Yuna eating her ice-cream.

"exactly bad bitches don't cry, so you need to show him that you don't need him because if you keep calling him he's just gonna keep being an ass" akari said.

"even the baddest bitches need to cry sometimes" i sighed. "i don't even know why im so upset i don't even like him like that"

the other girls have each other a knowing look.

"she's definitely in denial" they all thought in unison.

"You know what? Tomorrow we have a practice match the boys team and you can channel all of your whatever this is into volleyball okay?" Sakura exclaimed

"Can I hit Oikawa in the face? just with a serve?" I asked excitedly. "no, but take out all of your anger on the court okay? And you get your jersey tomorrow too!" Akari said excitedly "and if you get tired you and Aikko can always keep subbing as setter or Aikko will be setter and you can play outside" Sakura said "please?" I asked with fake tears in my eyes.

The next morning
y/n pov

"God damn it I told myself I wasn't gonna like a boy again and then cry over said boy but here I am. Maybe I should stick to Anime boys" I thought out loud while brushing my hair.

being on the volleyball team got me popular quite fast meaning that I had eyes on me basically everywhere. Today was also the day where we didn't have to wear uniform, so of course i picked out a cute outfit.

"Y/n!" I heard someone say then hug me, "Oikawa?" I asked voice trembling with fear not knowing what I should do

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"Y/n!" I heard someone say then hug me, "Oikawa?" I asked voice trembling with fear not knowing what I should do.

"Y/n are you okay? Why did you leave the group chat? Whose hoodie is that?" He asked numerous questions "yeah I'm fine, also it's Kunimi's" I said uncomfortably and walked away.

"Y/n!" Sakura said running to engulf me in a hug. "What's he doing here?" She whispered into my ear "I don't know he just came up to me hugged me and then started asking questions" I said barely in a whisper.

"Shittykawa go away" Sakura said.

after he went away, i took my winter jacket off and put it into my locker.

Time skip

I changed into my new jersey and spandex in the change room then put my hair up. I wiped the tears away giving myself a mental pep-talk as best as I could.

I walked into the gym and multiple students were here to watch the match. "Alright girls warm up. y/n your gonna set for everyone and then Aikko is gonna set" coach said "I'll try my best" I said walking to the ball cart. "Erina throw the ball to me?" I asked. she's our manager. "For sure!" She said catching the ball I threw to her.

"Ready?" I asked Sakura "yep" she said getting ready to jump. Erina threw the ball into the air and I took a step forward so the ball could make direct contact with my hand and then set it to Sakura who hit it down to the ground. "Holy shit her game is so much more serious now when she's in the zone" Akari said.

"Ready y/n?" Erina asked me about to throw the ball to Aikko "ready as I'll ever be" I said getting ready to hit. Erina threw the ball just an over Aikkos head and she set it and I jumped and hit the ball making it have a loud noise and leaving a small mark on the gym floor. "Holy shit" Yuna said. "OI Y/N WHAT DID I SAY ABOUR SAVING YOUR POWER FOR THE GAME" Coach scolded "sorry coach" I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

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