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I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before heading downstairs to eat. "Morning mom" I said grabbing a bowl cereal and milk. "Morning y/n" she said pouring milk first into her bowl. "I know you did not just pour milk first before cereal the audacity" I gasped. "Shut the fuck up it's to early to have this conversation. You planning to try out for volleyball again?" She asked "yeah I think so. I mean I only didn't try out this year because we were going to be moving" I said putting my bowl in the sink.

"Also one of the reasons we even moved was because I got a school scholarship and they encouraged me to try out for volleyball" I chuckled putting on my shoes

"Alright bye mom" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house.

while i was walking I looked around at my surroundings. When I accidentally bumped into someone landing on my butt. "oh sorry" I said getting up and bowing to the lady I had bumped into "it's okay" she said with a reassuring smile.

I bowed once again and then walked away.

When I got there I saw a bunch of girls screaming and yelling. I decided to get closer to investigate, I saw a brown haired boy? They're fawning over a boy?

I walked into the school and went to the office to get my schedule.

Once i got my schedule I started heading to the third year floor. When I got to class I knocked on the door considering I had been a bit late. "Ah y/n come on in and introduce yourself to the class" the teacher said letting me in. I normally was never one to get anxious very often. But when everyone is staring at me or I'm in very big crowds it kind of tends to kick in.

"Um hi my name is L/n Y/n sorry for transferring at a weird time and um I hope we can all get along and have a good year I guess" I said then bowing. "Good, y/n you can sit next to Oikawa. Oikawa raise your hand please" She said. I saw the chocolate haired boy from this morning raise his hand. So that's his name, Oikawa.

I walked over to my seat getting lots of glares from other girls, huh he must be a real heartthrob then. i sat down and pulled out my notebook and pen to take notes.

"Alright class popquiz!" the teacher announced, groans could be heard from all over the room. "Y/n just try and do whatever you can it's okay if you don't understand this stuff yet as we only just started this topic" She said with a smile. I nodded in response looking over the test to see what the material was about.

Huh this stuff is pretty easy.

About ten minutes later I finished my math quiz, I then walked over to the teachers desk handing in my paper. I looked at the time and saw that i had about 10 minutes left so I decided that I would just draw in my notebook.

I was shading in something when someone slipped me a note.

Yahoo Hi there y/nnn

The note said, I smiled to myself and took the note writing a response


whatcha doing?


can i see??

reading the note, i sighed a bit. i didn't really like showing other people my drawings.

sorry, no

I wrote sending the note back to him working on my drawing again.


I sighed and showed him my drawing his eyes going wide.

Sorry the drawing isn't really that good

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