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Y/n sat in class with her friends from the team, as the teacher finally dismissed them from class. Per usual Oikawa was standing at the door with that same smile that makes everyone's heart race like crazy.

She gave a look to her friends before nodding to them, they had a plan. She had a plan to break up with him today. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but today.

As they walked by each other's side Y/n realized she was angry, she pushed Oikawa away to the lockers his back slamming against them.

He wondered 'where was that fragile innocent Y/n that he could just toy with and she would come running back like some pet' no. Now she was filled with fire in her eyes. Anger.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asks placing a hand on her shoulder in which she forcefully takes it off. Stares were all around the couple as whispers started to form. "Y/n pay attention to me" he says grabbing her arm before she could walk through the schools doors.

"Oikawa, let go" she says making his eyes go wide, she's never called him by his surname unless she was angry enough to do so.

He pulled her into a hug placing his soft lips onto her temple "I love you" he says. Bullshit, "I love you" he says again.

There she goes again, falling into that pathetic little trap of his.

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