8. Whats wrong?

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Y/n pov

"So what's wrong?" I asked turning to face him, "I don't know if I really like Kairi anymore" he said. My eyes went wide in shock and surprise. "you don't think you like Kairi anymore?"

"yes and because I kinda caught her cheating with someone else I just haven't confronted her about it" he said.

"Just do whatever feels right. In my opinion you should break up with her because she cheated but that's just me. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better" I said.

"But isn't that being selfish?" He asked turning his head to the side. "It is but it's okay to be selfish sometimes" I said.


"Yes really, so just think about it."

"let's watch a movie" I said grabbing the remote "men in black?" I asked "men in black" he said. I put on the movie and we both settled down on the couch.

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