9. December 4th

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Y/n pov

"Hey milk bread boy get your ass up before we're late to school" I said hitting him with a pillow "owwww, why'd you do that?" he groaned.

"Nuh-uh you old hag get up" I said putting the pillow down. "Wake up, get out of bed, and I'll make breakfast we both have practice this morning so hurry" I said going downstairs.

"Just in time stupid here's coffee and breakfast, I also made Onigiri for lunch so theres some in both bento boxes so eat to your hearts content during lunch" I grinned drinking my coffee.

"Alright ready to go?" He asked "yep" I said putting my right shoe on. "Let's go" I said standing up.

"Hello bitches I'm here" I said tiredly taking off my jacket revealing my volleyball uniform.

"We're practicing with the boys today so we're gonna go there for warm up so bring your stuff with you" Coach said "yes ma'm" we all said grabbing our things.

When we got there I looked around the gym for a specific brown haired setter "where's Oikawa?" I asked knowing damn well he was with me this morning so why isn't he here? "He said he's gotta take a shit" Iwaizumi said "yeah I'll be right back" I said also knowing damn well where he is.

I started walking to the janitors closet as I heard uhm noises?

I looked through the small window on the door and I saw Kairi giving Oikawa top "oh fuck no I'm outta this bitch" I whispered to myself walking back to the gym. "God damn that's gross" I mumbled.

"Y/n are you okay?" Mei asked "no iwaizumi said that Oikawa was shitting but I know him well enough to know that he wasn't shitting so I wen't to the janitors and looked through the window on the door and saw Kairi giving him a bj and I can't get the horrific image out of my mind" I said smacking my forehead as if it was gonna help

" y/n stop hitting your head!" Mei said holding onto my wrist.

"OI SHITTYKAWA WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO SHIT?" Iwaizumi yelled. "Damn well he was definitely not shitting" I said to the other girls "Was he getting..."

"Head from kairi in the janitors closet? Yes." I said shivering from the memory "that is fucking weird, why is Kairi even here so early in the morning" Issei asked "idk don't ask me Kairis a crazy bitch" I retorted.

"Oikawa i know you have a 1000 step skin care routine but why are you glowing so much as if stress was just" Kyōtani asked then stopped. "Wow Kyōtani i never realized you could say so many words to Oikawa without getting angry and punching someone" I said rolling my eyes.

He clenched his fists and was about to swing at Oikawa when iwaizumi stopped him.

"don't be mad" I said walking over to hug him. He instantly backed away but put his arm around my shoulder and eased down a bit.

"Good now no more fights for the rest of the week okay?" I asked patting his chest "good now everyone let's get to practice" I said.

"So you and Kyōtani?" Aikko asked "ew no he's a family friend of mine" I said glaring at her "ya know you're gonna need to learn how to calm him down and control his anger when you and him get together" I said watching Oikawa receive the ball that was spiked to him.

"what?" Aikko asked blushing a lot "you heard what I said" I smirked then getting ready to spike.

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