27. You are enough

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it's been about a week since I last blew up at Tooru the whole week he hasn't been to school, What if he's having an episode? He used to get these whenever he lost a game against Shiratorizawa, or when he lost an important game.

I decided that after school I was gonna go visit him and to also pay his mom a little visit since I haven't seen her in awhile. "Iwa, hey" I said to him "Hey I know you are Oikawa are in a fight right now but before you go home can you check on him? He hasn't been showing up to practice lately and the team is concerned about him" He said "Actually I was just heading there now" I say with a smile.

"oh alright bye" He says "Bye!" I say walking away.

I knocked on the door "Y/n?" His mom opens the door "Hey" I said "Tooru?" she asks "yeah" I say "He's having an episode right now and he hasn't eaten much in these past few weeks" His mom said. "I'll be sure to get him to eat" I say walking up the stairs "Thank you hun. oh and i'll also be at work, so phone me if anything happens" She says walking out the door. I nodded and locked the door behind her.

I knocked on his door "Tooru?" I ask. No answer. "Tooru i'm gonna come in okay?" I say opening the door only to see him staring at the wall. "Tooru hey" I say sitting on the bed next to him. "Y/n?" he says turning to look at me. He had eye bags 'from the lack of sleep and he looked pale like all the colour on his skin faded away.

"hey come here" I said hugging him "I'm not mad okay? Not anymore at least" I whisper, "Now come on lets get you in the shower okay?" I say helping him stand up.

"I turned the water on. Take your time in the shower i'll be in your room if you need me" I say leaving the towel on the toilet seat and walking out of the washroom.

Holy shit the guilt is eating at me alive. Did I overreact? Fuck I basically caused him to be in this situation. Should I apologize?

about half an hour later he came out o the shower with sweatpants on and his hair was dry "Did you brush your teeth?" I asked making him nod his head. "Great now come with me I'm gonna help you do your skincare routine okay?" I ask caressing his cheek. "okay" he said.

I did his skin care routine and gave him a kiss "you hungry?" I asked "no" he says shaking his head. "Tooru I know your're hungry your mom told me you haven't eaten much in two weeks" I say putting my arms around his neck. while he adjusted himself on the bathroom counter. "I brought milk bread" I say with a small smirk.

"Milk bread?" He says while his eyes light up a bit "yeah milk bread" I say, he hopped off the counter and we went to his bed. I opened the plastic bag with the bread in it and gave him a piece. He took a few bites before handing it back to me. "it's okay we'll start slow and soon enough you'll be back to eating three meals a day okay?" I say with a smile on my face.

"you must be tired? come on lets sleep" I say lying down on the bed while he lied on top of my chest. I tangled my fingers in his hair "Y/n am I enough for you?" He asks wrapping his arms around my waist. "Tooru what? of course you are. You are enough okay?" I say kissing the top of his head.

"I love you babe now go to sleep" I whsiper.

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