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Y/n pov

"Hey babe!" Oikawa says walking up to me for a hug "Hi Toorū" I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

we're kind of talking? i don't know.

"You excited for the practice match against Karasuno?" I ask "Very and I'm even more excited that you're our manager for the game since our manager bailed on us" He says kissing my nose.

"i'll be back soon okay?" I said walking into the gym "Okay bye!" He says walking away "Tobio hey!" I say walking up to him. "Y/n" he said out "The King is nervous?" A blonde haired boy said.

"Anyways boys I'm L/n Y/n and I'm the manager for today, as I would normally be on the girls team but follow me" I say walking away.

After directing the boys on where the gym was I sat down "Oi where's your boyfriend" Iwaizumi said "Iwa I don't know maybe he's held up with fan girls" I shrugged my shoulders "Wanna go hit a volleyball at his head and then we can resume warm up?" He asks "Hell yeah coach we'll be right back, I'm gonna go get Toorū" I say walking away volleyball in hand.

"Iwaizumi i wanna do it this time" I say throwing the volleyball up and down. "Yeah yeah okay" he says patting my shoulder.

I threw the ball up and hit it with enough power to make his head hurt a bit making him turn around and pout "Hah nice one y/n" Iwaizumi said "Oi get your ass in the gym" I said "I'll be there soon I promise okay?" He says kissing my forehead.

"You better" I said walking away with Iwaizumi.

"This stupid game started already where is this shit head" I grumbled

"Damnit son get your head in the game stop being late" coach said making me turn my head to face him "oh I get plenty of head alright" Toorū says rubbing the back of his neck.

I slapped the back of his head "Shut up" I say sitting back down.

He did a little warm up and high-fived Kunimis hand "I have an appointment with all yall girls soon so let's make this quick" Oikawa said "Oi dumbass! you have a girlfriend" Iwaizumi said. "Took the words right out of my mouth" I sighed. "Fuck you man there ya go trynna stealing my girl" Kunimi said.

Oikawa went up to the serving line "I have 24 dates in the next 3 hours so if we could push this along that would be smooth" he says holding the ball up.

"24 dates in the next three hours my ass" I said taking down more notes. He did his monster serve making it hit off of the blondes arm then the ball went flying hitting the railing.

"1 point. One more to go" he says making me roll my eyes at his cockyness.

He went up to the serving line again and said "It's been fun we should do this again sometime" he said in a teasing tone. "Someone make this guy shut up" I mumbled making coach laugh.

The blonde successfully received the ball but it went back over the net, "oh ho we're coming back for seconds are we? girls always come back for seconds" Toorū says. "What girls do you have besides me?" I asked out loud.

"Someone get this guy off the court I wanna have a little talk" I said filling up water bottles.

The game ended with Karasuno winning, I saw a different side of tobio today. He's changed. He's no longer the ego king everyone put him out to be.

"OI YOU SHIT HEAD COME WITH ME" I said pulling the back of his collar and dragging him out the gym making everyone laugh. "You got side hoes?" I asked him. "What no of course i don't" he said.

"Are you cheating on me?" I asked "Why would you think I'm cheating on you?" He asks "why would you think I'm cheating on you?" I said mocking him. "Oh I dunno maybe it's because of those comments you made on the court?" I said crossing my arms.

"Look I'm not cheating on you okay?" He asks "Look I trust you and you know that, and I know that myself. But If you want this" I said pointing to him and I "to work then those comments are gonna need to stop" I say.

"Okay okay fine" he says hugging me "No let me go I'm mad at you" I said walking away.

"And to think that I was his main bitch" I sighed walking back to the girls gym where the girls would be starting practice soon.

"I heard those comments he made on the court, I would've been mad to if Iwaizumi made those comments" Mei said.

"Alright we're working on serves and hits after practice it's 100 serves each" coach said. Well fuck I'm gonna be dead after this.

After practice everyone did 100 serves except me meaning that i have the whole court to myself.

Sakura pov

She was down to What like 50 serves? And the power in them only increased after 20 serves. "How is she not tired? How is her power increasing still?" Mei asked "Shes a machine man I'm telling ya, and this is when shes mad" Yuna said glaring and the boys team who was standing on the mezzanine.

"I swear to god of she ends up over working herself I'm blaming it on you" I mumbled looking over at the chocolate haired boy.

Y/n pov

I finished my 100 jump serves and put the balls back into the cart. "Excellent y/n" coach said closing up the storage room. "Make sure to eat and get a good nights rest" she says. "Thank you" I said and then walking away to the other girls.

"You are a fucking machine you know that y/n?" Akari said "i was just mad that's all" I say shrugging my shoulders.

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