10. December 5th

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Oikawa pov

"L/n I've liked you for a very long time please take this letter and consider my feelings" Some boy said.

Come on y/n reject it. Wait what? Why do i feel like this? Sparks of jealousy flying out of me. "Thank you Itsuki I'll take your feelings into consideration and write a letter back to you" she said taking the letter then walking away.

Y/n and I both had our fair share of confessions, I opened my locker and multiple letters came out. "Oi y/n hey!" I said to her "hey Toorū wanna come over and we can read the cringy love letters?" She asked "Yeah I'm down we could also bring snacks too"

"Oh wait don't close your locker yet I have a few more letters to add" she said pulling out like 20 letters from her bag. "Bro how full is your bag?" She asked "about half way but it's only morning to we'll see" I said "Mines almost half way well I've got to add one more letter since I just got one but I also have to write a lot of letters back to them to reject them slowly" She said with a bright smile on her face.

"Do you like the boy?" I asked in hopes she would say no. "No. He sits behind me in math I think but I've never really took notice of him. I mean I know who he is because of attendance but thats it" she said sighing.

"Plus I'm waiting for someone else to confess to me" she said looking into my eyes. "Eh? Who is he?" I asked "You know him very well, and before you say anything it's not iwaizumi-kun although it is someone on your team" She said. I felt my chest tighten.

"Figure it out, it's someone you know better than anyone else" She said. "Alright I'll figure it out I guess" I said sighing "but y/n why can't you tell me?" I whined "Broken up with Kairi yet?" She asked.


"So I'm assuming after she gave you that bj this morning?" She asked, how the... "yes" I whispered under my breath. "Better run your fan girls are here I'll entertain them until the bell" She said. I immediately ran away.

Y/n pov

"Hey girls" I said leaning against Toorū's closed locker door "Hey y/n! How are you?" One of his fan girls asked "I'm doing well how are you girls?" I asked receiving goods and wells from other girls.

"So how's it going with Oikawa? As much as we love him, you and him would look good together and I can't speak for every one of these girls here but I prefer you with him rather than Kairi" She said other girls nodding in agreement. "Ah you girls are too nice to me sometimes. I always thought that me becoming friends with Toorū would mean I had a bunch of other girls on my ass" I sighed of relief.

"Anyways I've got to take my leave so have a good day girls" I said walking away hearing multiple bye's from other girls behind me.

"Wow who would've known that the L/n Y/n could get a long with Oikawas fan girls" Yui said punching my shoulder lightly "Oi shut up, they're a good group of girls, all really nice" I said softly "Really?" Mei asked "yeah but maybe that's because they said that they like me better with Toorū than Kairi" I chuckled.

"Now that I think about it you and Oikawa would make a really cute couple" Yuna said.

"Nuh uh, you just focus passing that math test of yours" Sakura said. "Ugh yes mother" Yuna said rolling her eyes.

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