24. Fwb?

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Y/n pov

"hey" I said sitting down with the girls in the cafeteria, "hey" they all said, "shit my legs hurt like a bitch" I complained "who railed you?" Akari asked. "Me i railed myself no I'm joking I was sitting on Kageyamas lap at that party and then Oikawa got mad and started texting me so I went to go sit on ushijimas lap to piss him off and i was gonna fuck him until Oikawa pulled me outta there" I said taking a bite out of my onigiri.

"So Oikawa railed you? Is that why you were no where to be seen at the after party?" Sakura asked "Yep" I said.

"Damn y'all are on and off all the time" Kairi said

"I think we're friends with benefits but idk" I said shrugging my shoulders.

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