Chapter 17

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I wrote this at 2 in the moring, so i'll be posting it later



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It was the night of prom. About one week had passed since Brandon had asked you to the dance, and since then, Levi hadn't tried to contact you once.

Apparently, ever since you had last seen him, he had been skipping school and moping around. Isabelle had tried countless times to get you to visit him, or at least try to talk to the boy, but you refused. It wasn't that you were mad, just confused.

You still had feelings, that was for sure. Deep down, you really did want to see him. You wanted to make him feel better, but you wouldn't let yourself. And since the chance of Levi going to the school dance was slim, you could just cancel your plans with Brandon. But like I said one before, you were too stubborn to, and would end up going anyways.

That brings us to now. Brandon stood at the bottom of your steps with a huge grin plastered on his face. Your mom pulled out her camera with joy, and the two watched as you walked down the steps with a fake, yet convincing smile.

"The picture perfect couple," is what your mother called you as Brandon led you to his car. It was a fairly nice car, one that didn't belong in a town like yours, given Marley was on the wealthier side of the spectrum.

"You ready?" he asked as he drove down the road. "Yeah," you sighed, looking out the open window as the town buzzed about. He placed a hand on your thigh without warning, making you flinch. It was just a reminder of how miserable your night would be. Though, you assured yourself it would all be over soon.

Although it was rough at first, the longer you sat in the car, the more comfortable you became. The two of you laughed, talked, and joked like any other couple, and soon, the act became real. Even when he parked the car in the school driveway, it was almost as if you didn't want the moment to end.

No, you weren't falling for him, not even close. No matter how funny or charming he appeared to be, you weren't going to fall for him, but at least you were comfortable around him. That was until his friends met you by the car door.

You and him both got out of the car and began to walk into the school, his friends following you close behind. Brandon gripped your hand, clearly seeing your discomfort, but not trying to control them as he found it amusing himself.

They made odd comments about you and your body, ones i'd rather not repeat. Just given this one encounter, you could tell the entire night would become a complete shit show.

As soon as you entered the building, you were quickly pulled away from your date without a word. "What do you think you're doing?" Isabelle said, pulling you into the empty girls locker room.

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