Chapter 1

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You walked into the dirty old school building, preparing for yet another tiring, and unproductive day. The rain began to pour even harder as you crept down the hall.

Sasha Braus, one of your closest friends came up from behind you. "Hey!" she yelled right in your ear while munching on some sort of bread. "Hey," you said, a bit calmer than she had.

The two of you chatted as you walked into your homeroom, and first-period class. Your usual friend group was already waiting at the table you always sat at. "I hate it here," you groaned, sitting down in an empty seat, and glancing up at the ceiling.

The intercom buzzed and the strident voice of the front chimed in. It filled the classroom with an unpleasant feeling as we all realized the school day was starting. 

"Good morning, It's time for morning announcements! Today's lunch is spaghetti and meatballs," The woman's said. "Ew what the fuck," you laughed.

Your best friend, Sasha, giggled from beside you. "Due to the rain, boys soccer is canceled baseball is canceled, tennis is canceled, Goodluck Girls soccer at your away game, and can I please have (y/n) (l/n) sent down to the office, everyone, have a great rest of your day."

Oohs and Aahs escaped the class as you got up from your seat and headed down the hall. Thankfully it was only science you were missing. You probably wouldn't miss too mcuh if you were quick about it. Today was going to be a pretty chill day anyway.

You rounded the corner and opened the door to the front office. A chill was sent down your spine and the AC hit your bare arms. Somehow the front office was the only room in the school with AC, not even the gym.

"Well that was quick," a familiar voice said from your right. Mr. Erwin smith, the 11th-grade English teacher was sitting in the corner next to some boy. He had black hair, a rough face, and a fairly muscular build. 

You had seen his face before, he was captain and star pitcher of the baseball team, the infamous stereotypical bad boy, and single handily managed to be the most bitchy kid in school. Even with his prestige, and the number of fangirls constantly fawning over him, you couldn't exactly remember his name.

"I have a favor to ask you," Mr. Smith asked you. The short boy standing next to him rolled his eyes and fiddled with the tape dispenser beside himself.

A lady sitting at the desk swatted his hand away as if he were a fly. The boy groaned a bit and turned his attention back to you. "Would you mind being a tutor for Levi? English isn't his best subject, but it just so happens to be yours," Mr. Smith said, looking you dead in the eyes.

You thought about it for a moment. The answer would have been no, but that would put a damper on your good relationship with the teacher. "Sure, why not," you answered, "when do you want to meet up?" you asked the boy.

"Why not after school in the library, the practices were canceled today, so the two of you can work out a schedule then," Your teacher said with a smile. Both of you nodded your heads, and the teacher dismissed you.

As soon as he let you go, you dashed out the door and back to class, getting as far away from the boy as possible. Professor Hange welcomed you back in and got you situated into a lab.

Coincidentally, you were put in a lab with Sasha, Mikasa, Connie, and Bertholdt the same day you were assigned to use dangerous chemicals. "So, what happened?" Connie asked, pouring two of the ingredients together.

"I have to tutor some kid," you said, lighting the burner. "Who?" Bertholdt asked, recording some of data. "I can't really remember, he's this super popular kid, oh yeah that's right, Luke!" you said, guessing with the first name that came off the top of your head.

"Do you mean Levi?" Mikasa asked. "Bingo," you replied. Connie dropped his flask onto the open flame, causing an odd smoke to form. "CONNIE!" Sasha yelled, covering her mouth.

Professor Hange rushed over to evaluate the situation. Long story short, the classroom had to be evacuated. Your whole class stood outside under the shade thing (Idk wtf it's called) since the rain hadn't let up.

"You know he's a real asshole right?" Connie said. "You're the real asshole, you clutz," you whispered, shivering. "Well you're an idiot!" he yelled in retaliation. "You guys are so loud," Bertholdt said, and Mikasa nodded in agreement. Your teacher must have been fed up since she dismissed you to go to your next class early.

Yours just happened to be history, one that you shared with the Ackerman kid. Apparently, he was somehow related to Mikasa, something like second cousins.

"Good afternoon (y/n)" your teacher said, "Hi Mr. Hannes," you yawned. You sat down in your usual seat and pulled out your homework, handing it to your teacher.

"Hey," said a voice from behind you. You turned around quickly to meet them. "JEAN!" you yelled, throwing your hands up in the air. Apart from Sasha, he was one of your closest friends."I'm so glad the day is almost over, it's so rainy and gross outside, we should grab a bite to eat after we leave this hell hole," he said, taking the seat next to you.

"I wish, but I got stuck tutoring this Levi kid," You groaned, resting your head on your hands. "You should just ditch, he's an asshole during baseball, and he'll be even more of a pain if you tell him what to do," Jean complained.

"I wish I could ditch, but Mr. Smith asked me to, and I don't want to mess anything up and get on his bad side," you complained back. The two of you continued to bitch until the rest of the class filed in.

The entire lesson was as boring as ever. You sat through the entire thing, staring at your phone like most days. Your teacher didn't care though since you still managed to pass with good grades.

(Time skip)

You hummed a tune to yourself as you walked into the library. It wasn't too crowded to day, or like any other day. Thankfully, the noise wouldn't be a problem. Levi was sitting at a table in the far right corner. You graned to yourself and began to walk over to him. "Alrighty, let's get this shit started."


A/N: I hope you liked this first chapter. This book won't be terribly long or short. I'll probably be posting every other day, or every day, so it shouldn't be longer than three months concidering I might have stuff that will prevent me from uploading.

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