Chapter 19

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(Sorry, I've lost interest and been on a bit of a break, but I should continue with updates again)

"What do you think gives you power?

Is it your crown, is it the fact that you're king?

If respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back,

respect is nothing right?"

- Dream (dsmp)



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One week later, at the beginning of march. The first day back at school.

You walked into the musty old brick building, hand in hand with your new boyfriend. It was subtle, not making it obvious, but anyone who cared to look your way noticed. The both of you decided it wouldn't hurt to make your relationship public, since someone would find out either way.

Of course, right away people began to talk. That's what highschoolers do, and there was nothing you could say to stop it. Some thought the two of you hooked up, and others thought he did it out of pity, given you weren't the most popular girl in school, and often not the first choice amongst your classmates. None of it really bothered you though. None of it really bothered you though. It was easy to ignore people, I mean, you did it on a daily basis.

Sasha was the first of your friends to pick up on your relationship, and she did it pretty quickly. The rest had their suspicions, and later on you confirmed them. Other people you had told their friend. Soon, the news was spreading, and like a plague, everyone knew.

Some were upset, mostly Levi's fangirls or whatever you want to call them, others were confused for various reasons, and the rest couldn't and wouldn't give a single shit. During lunch, a few of Levi's so-called fangirls pulled you aside, and threatened to come to your house if the two of you didn't break up,you know, just typical monday things.

Levi had followed you, and turned them down immediately. The swamp rats nearly had a fit in response, and you had to leave the cafeteria to minimize the attention you had gotten from it.

That brings us to right now. The two of you ran down the long hall, hand in hand while trying to escape the screams. They weren't happy about the rejection to say the least, but hey, it sucks to suck. Soon, you had lost them, but it definitely wasn't easy, those persistent shits.

Slowly, you walked back to the cafeteria as soon as you were sure it was safe. The girl from earlier seemed to have calmed down, that's what you had assumed. Once again, you went back to your business, acting as though it had never happened.

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