Chapter 24

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This chapter in unedited, so there are some mistakes


(y/n)'s class schedule

1 - homerooms

2 - Economics

3 - World History

4 - Creative writing

5 - Baking

6 - Art

7 - Honors French 4

8 - Study hall

9 - Biology 2 (plant biology)

- period 1: Homeroom - 

It was the first day of your senior year. It had also been a while since you had heard from you know who, so you were having a bit of a celebration dance in your head.

As usual, Sasha sat beside  you in your homeroom class. It was the first period of the day before your first class, which was economics. Most of your classes were for fun since you had completed most of your credits already, but there were still a few that you needed to complete before graduation in the spring. 

"So, what do you have next class?" Sasha asked, chewing loudly on her pink bubble gum. Sha had offered you a piece just ten minutes before, but you declined. 

"Economics. I heard the teacher is new, but he's pretty weird. Apparently he was harassing some freshman at orientation," you said. Falco, the younger brother of you friend Colt, had told you all about him. You hoped to avoid him, but unfortunately, you were stuck with him. 

- Period 2: Economics - 

You walked into the small room. It was one of the older classrooms, so it could fit 15 people at most, and of course the school filled the classroom up to the max. You sat in a desk in the back right corner of the classroom, right next to a winter that was propped open. 

A stack of papers were on the desk, waiting to be passed out. Most likely the sylabus. It had a large green chalk board instead of a whit board. The teacher sat at the front of the room, feet propped up on his desk and reading a book. 

You felt like throwing up from pure shock once you had seen the last name. "Kenny Ackerman," the uncle of the one and only Levi Ackerman. He had told you about him in the short while you were dating, and it's safe to say he had a lot to get off his chest. 

He wasn't the type of person to hit on young high school girls if that's what you're thinking. He was more of douc bag rather than a pedo. You were expecting this class to be a living hell, and there was no getting away from it. 

Person after person came in. It was mostly seniors with a few juniors mixed in the crowd. Not only was your ex's uncle teaching the class, but his supposed girlfriends sat two rows in front of you, and two seats across. 

You shot a glare to the back of Petra Ral's head. Sure, it was just a rumor going around school, but you wouldn't put it past her. 

Reiner sat in the seat next to you. The two of you had grown closer in the past two weeks. Again, not in that way you're thinking. He moved two houses down from you, so the two of you hung out a lot, mostly with Connie who lived two blocks away. 

"Do you see that bitch over there? Acting all normal as if she wasn't the reason my whole summer was fucked up," you complained, taking out the notebook you had designated to that class. 

"Try not to think about it, she's not worth your time," giving you the the whole your better than this talk. Still, you hated her guts, and nothing would change that. 

- Period 3: world history -

- period 4: creative writing - 

- Period 5: Baking - 

It was surprising how many sophomores were in your class. Chef Marsha, your teacher, handed out the syllabus. There were no desks in that class, so you all sat at the counter, filling out the student signature part while your teacher prepped the mandatory kitchen safety form. 

Of course, Sasha joined that class with  you, and you were put into the same period. In all of your other classes, you just briefly went over the syllabus, and played some games or had the rest of the time off. 

Your day had gone better than expected. You hadn't been bothered by anyone, most of your teachers were nice, and the day was just over halfway over. 

- Period 6: Art - 

- Period 7: Honors French 4 -

- Period 8: Study hall - 

- Period 9: Biology 2 - 

Last class of the day. You yawned, already exhausted, and you had barely done anything. Your Biology teacher was professor Hange. They were your homeroom teacher, and by far one of your favorite staff members. 

Your class was pretty good. Reiner, as well as Jean were in that class, and a bunch of other people who you didn't have a problem with. Levi was in that class though, but he didn't seem to want to bother with you, so you were fairly content.

You had heard his grades had stayed the same. Meaning your tutoring had worked, but he had a problem with English. You just hope Mr. Smith wouldn't ask you for another favor. 

"Alright class, you've all had me before so let's get right down to it. The school says I need to hand out a syllabus, so check your emails when you get home. It will be virtual, so just have your parents or guardians send a note in," they said, handing out a large textbook.

"Today we'll get started on our first assignment. You'll be growing plants with your partners. These will be your partners for the whole first semester to keep things simple, so please try to nice to each other," Hange yelled. You looked over to the microscopes where you'd be heading momentarily. 

"Reiner Braun and Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman and Bertholdt Hoover, Levi Ackerman and (y/n) (l/n)..." You groaned, nearly hitting your head on your desk. It was horrible luck, and on the first day too. 

You heard a snicker from behind you. Jean covered his face with his hands, having a laughing attack into his hands. "It's not fucking funny," you said, raising your hand to smack him. 

"Now that everyone has a partner, head to an open station and wait for instruction."

You sat down at station four, and Levi sat in the chair beside you. Neither of you said anything, and waited for your professor to give you instructions.


Your first step was to fill the pot up with soil, which you had done. Next was to pick your first type of seed. 

"Hey, lab partner, what kind do you want. I can't decide so I'll let you," you said, pushing the various seed packets his way.

"how about this one?"

Levi pushed the packer of Magnolia seeds your way. It was one of your favorites, and one of they types out were strongly debating on choosing. 

"Yeah, sure."

You buried the seed a centimeter bellow the dirt, poured a bit of water into it, and set it under the UV light as instructed. Levi waited for you until he headed back to his seat, but you didn't care if he had or not.

It was clear that he was trying to be nice. You didn't appreciate it though, and honestly wished he would just leave you alone already. Even if you were lab partners.  


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