Chapter 20

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My keyboard is broken, so I'm writing this on my pc and It took a while to transfer everything over, but I should update more soon :) 

Also, on another note,  I picked the ending for this story, and it's safe to say you will most likely be disappointed, or completely and utterly overwhelmed


Un - edited

"Don't say you miss me one more time,

cause you off my mind, 

and my heart can't take the fall"


"There you are," Levi said with a smile as you walked out the school building. A forced smile crossed your face, almost as if you weren't just doubting his loyalty and his ex. The boy unlocked the passenger side door and you let yourself into the vehicle.

Levi was already dressed in his uniform. It consisted of white baseball pants, a white jersey with the number ten and "Ackerman" printed on the back, with "Trost" along the front in red writing. Red socks with a matching belt were also there, and a baseball cap laid on the dashboard.

"Well, don't you look fancy," you laughed, elbowing him a bit. Levi chuckled a bit and the ends of his mouth upturned a bit. It wasn't a full smile, but there was full sincerity behind it.

This was probably the first time you had actually looked around his car. There were seat covers in the back, and it was fairly clean. One or two plastic water bottles that had probably fell were on the ground, but it was definitely better than your car. It smelled like lilacs and pine pitch, just the same as him. It was comforting, even if the humid, early spring air made the inside a bit muggy.

Levi did the cute, resting his hand on your thigh thing that you always see on social media, while doing that 'looking back like a hot model' backing up look. You smiled and faced forward as various students watched you drive off campus.

The other school you were going to was around forty minutes away. It was one of the longer drives, but not long enough for their team to check out a hotel. Since your school was pretty big on sports, it was a pretty big event. (Idk if anyone else's town is like this)

The highway was packed with people from town, and even if it wasn't that big of a deal, people waved at your car as you passed by. You slunk in your seat, trying to avoid the gaze of people who passed by. It was a miracle that you had never noticed Levi before you started tutoring him.

Levi turned onto the passing lane as he noticed how uncomfortable you were. His hand left your leg to turn the radio up, and returned short after. Not long after, you turned off the highway and into a small town on the way.

Levi parked in the parking lot of a small convenience store. "Do you want anything?" he asked, unbuckling his seat and unlocking the car doors. "No thanks," you answered, checking your phone for the time as he got out and walked into the store.

It was dead silent. You hummed to yourself, trying to fill the silence with something other than your breathing. A buzz was heard front the back seat, and you shot your head in it's direction. A dim light shined from Levi's school bag, and you could only assume it was his phone.

It made you feel guilty and dirty, but you pulled it out and checked the notification. You weren't going to read any of his text, well, that was the case until you saw her name. There was a text from Farlan, a text from Isabelle, and one from the one and only, Petra Ral.

You opened the message without hesitation. Levi's password was simple and easy to remember, kind of like the one you'd expect an old person to have. He had told you it once before for directions, and your brain had saved it for some odd reason.

It wasn't that you didn't trust Levi. You trusted that boy with your life. It was that you didn't trust Petra. She was kind, pretty, and an overall good person from what you knew, but from what Jean had told you, you weren't too sure anymore.

A text that read, "good luck at the game!" was plastered across the screen. You frowned, seeing the completely innocent, kind message knowing you had made a false assumption. Still, a bit of jealousy remind.

You might be expecting me to mention the fact that you replied with "Leave me alone," and blocked her number, but if I did that, i'd be lying. Instead, you turned it off and put it right back where you had found it.

Seconds later, Levi left the store with two waters in one hand, and a small bag in the other. He opened the car and slipped in, handing one of the waters and the bag. There was a bag of chips and a granola bar inside.

"I know you said you didn't want anything, but I decided to get you some food anyways," he hummed, buckling his seat belt back up. A tinge of guilt, this time a bit bigger washed over you. As far as you knew, he wouldn't have snooped through your phone, even if one of your exes had texted you.

"Thanks," you said sadly, but not enough for him to notice. Levi hummed and pulled back onto the road. "No problem.

- Small time skip

Soon enough, you made it to the field. The team greeted Levi, and you headed back to the bleachers where a few of the parents and fans were located. Others filed in behind you, and soon enough you were lost in the crowd.

Still, the baseball team still seemed to notice you. A few snickers came from a larger group, one which Levi was a part of. They pointed at you, elbowled the boy, and continued to laugh. Levi gave you a side glance, and his face flushed red as another one of the boys said something.

The coach called the boys over, and Levi broke away from the group. They chased after him, continuing to tease until they made their way over to the dugout.

Ten minutes later, the game started and Levi was first to pitch. He looked towards you ever so often when he struck someone out. The boy threw strike after strike, hitting Reiners glove in various places. It truly was amazing how much control he had over the ball.

The inning ended fairly quickly with three outs and only one run from a kid who hit a home run. That's how the rest of the game went. Your school had some fairly good hitters on their side, and your fielders didn't need to do much work given the opposing team could barely get a single hit off you Levi.

An hour and a half later, the game ended and Levi approached you. "Let's get out of here before they come," he grumbled, pointing to the group boys making their way over to their captain. You didn't oppose as he grabbed your hand and led you to the car.

"Hey captain!" a taller boy said, resting his hand on Levi's shoulder. Levi sighed and glared up at him. "What is it?" he asked, stopping in the middle of the parking lot. "The team and I were wondering if you wanted to come get a bite to eat with us," he said.

"No thanks," Levi said, grabbing your hand once more and leading you forward. "Come on Levi, you should spend some time with your team. I'll call my mom and have her drop me off at the school," you said, smiling at him.

"Wait but-" "You're the captain, you shouldn't have to give me a ride home. You should hang out with your friends," you said, cutting him off. "Thanks (y/n)," the taller boy said, dragging Levi to the bus.

You sighed and opened your mothers phone, hovering over the call button. Just as you were about to press it, a hand grabbed your wrist and dragged you forward at a running pace. Levi looked back at you, a lively look on his face.

"Let's get out of here," he said, dragging you to his car as you made your escape. You laughed as he jumped in the car and started it. The blonde from earlier ran towards your car, but by the time you made it, you were already on the road.

"You're a lunatic, you know?" you laughed, looking out the window as the sun began to set. The smile still hadn't left his lips as he stared out the windshield.

"You can't get rid of me that easily."

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