Chapter 25

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(Ok, so before this chapter officially starts, this has been in the drafts for a bit, but I've been super sick lately so I apologies, and for a little background, imagine your school year starts on September first, so it's like September 5th, a Friday afternoon.)

"Can you just hand me the damn Pipet?" you said, holding your flower pot with care. Levi picked up the small plastic tube and muttered a small sorry. You grabbed it from his hand, picking up a bit of the solution and dropping it on your plant. 

"For those of you whose cotyledon is showing, put your plant of the top shelf when you're done, otherwise, check with me to see if you got a bad seed!" Professor hang yelled at the class. A small greed sprout began to pop out of the soil. You smiled, and picked your plant up, setting it on the top shelf. 

The buzzer on the intercom rang loudly, signaling an announcement. "Good afternoon students. This is a reminder to purchase your fall fling tickets at the front office. We need a head count on advance. It will be held on October 27, have a great rest of your day everyone."

"Thank you," you said to your teacher as you walked out the door. You'd be heading home alone today since everyone else had work, or so you thought. 

While walking out of the school, only a few pairs of feet could be heard from behind you. A few freshmen, a couple sophomores, one junior, and a senior. Levi Ackerman caught pace with you but didn't say anything at first. 

A few moments of silence held up before you finally broke. "What the hell do you want!" you screamed, jumping back a few steps. Levi gave you a curious look. 

"I'm just walking to my car," he said, which was conveniently parked next to yours. 

"Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit," you swore under your breath. It didn't count for anything, but it sure as hell made you feel better.

A few moments later, and you were still muttering under your breath, but at least you had made it to your car.

"Bye," Levi finally spoke, heading into his car. 

"Fuck you!" you yelled, walking to the driver's side door. There was something wrong though. The slight tilt of your car to the right side was clear. You know what it meant but were too scared to admit it. 

Walking to the other side, time flat tire was clear as day. you had forgotten to install another spare tire, and your phone was dead. You could always charge it in your car, but your charger was a piece of junk, so it would take a while for you to get it going. 

"Damn piece of shit!" you screamed, kicking the side of your car. 

"You know, I could give you a ride if you want," Levi offered, starting his car and rolling down the window. 

"Fuck off!" you yelled in response. Moments later, you found yourself seated in the passenger seat, with "passenger seat" by "Talking to Turtles" playing conveniently in the background, taunting you.

You didn't want to admit it, you didn't even want to admit it, but you missed days like this. Levi didn't try to make small talk, just drove down the same old road you had gone over so many times. 

In your eyes, there really was no way he could redeem himself. You didn't know the full story, but in your eyes, you didn't need to know it, because every time you thought of him, you thought of that night, and it hurt. 

It brought on a sense of vulnerability. You felt like if he could do that, someone you sworn was good, then what was to stop anyone else from doing it. 

"We're here."

Those words snapped you out of the little daydream you were in. A new anger filled within you. Levi offered to walk you in, but it was too late. You had already snatched your bag and slammed the passenger side door. 

You hoped that this encounter would finally be the last, but thankfully, you were wrong. 


A/N: Surprise! I have motivation again. Also, I have the rest of the story planned out so it should be smooth sailing from here. 

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