Chapter 3

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(That's just a song that fits the mood <3)



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Just like every other Wednesday, you walked into the musty old school building. Unlike the days before that, the sun was out and shining, and it was supposed to be a good day. That's the complete opposite of what it felt like to you.

A gloomy aura hung in the air. It just so happened to be your first tutoring session with the one and only Levi Ackerman. It's safe to say you weren't too happy about it. Today was the type of day you'd spend in the park, having fun with your friends, and not stuck at the library.

There was nothing wrong with the boy in question. I guess you could say he pissed you off for no reason at all. It was almost as if he was trying to make you mad by just existing. That was most likely the reason for your gloomy mood as you walked into your homeroom class.

Sasha, Connie, Jean, and Marco walked into the room soon after you had. Huge grins were on their faces, but they soon fall when they saw you. "Hey," you muttered, the disappointment clear in your voice.

They all knew what was going on without asking. "You should just skip," Connie suggested. "I wish, but I don't want to be labeled as a bitch for the rest of the year," you sighed, probably overthinking the entire situation.

"You need to get over yourself," Jean said, taking the seat next to you. "I know. I should probably try and create a good relationship with him, just so I can get this over with," you groaned, thinking back to earlier. "It's just so hard!"

"That's right, and then we can hang out like we every other day. Once you you get it over with, you won't have to deal with him for the rest of the year," Jean said, getting up and walking back to his assigned seat. (I feel like if Hnage was a teacher, she would have assigned seats, or everything would be chaotic)

You picked your head up, for the announcement, and let your teacher start the class. Throughout the entire period, all you could think about was the dreadful two hours that awaited you in the library.

Today, you worked the labs once again. Thankfully, there was no incident, and it was a calm class. That said, the period finished rather quickly, and you headed off to history.

For most of that class period, all you could focus on was Levi and his baseball friends. Jean tried to distract you as best he could, but it was hard.

The only reason you took an interest in the topic was to see if it involved you. Don't get me wrong, it's not liked you cared what people thought of you, it was more like you needed a topic to fight about. There wasn't much you could argue about with the midget.

Alas, he didn't mention your name once. It angered you a bit, not having something to fight about. I guess you can say you were hot-headed, with a natural bitchy character.

"He kid, are you feeling all right?" your teacher asked as you continued to bury your face in your arms. "Yeah, I'm fine," you muttered, not lifting it. He didn't bother telling you off and left you be.

After lunch though, all your worries went away. No, you weren't looking forward to it, but you would be hanging out with your usual group after, so there was something to look forward to after all.

Sasha, Connie, Jean, and Marco promised they'd bring you to the arcade after your tutoring. It wasn't anything special, and the five of you would normally hang out after school.

I guess it just felt different today. Different in a good way I mean.

You were sitting at your lunch table, eating and talking with your friend group. The slump you were previously in, soon faded and you were free to have fun.

Someone tapped your shoulder and you turned around to face them. It was a friendly blonde-haired boy with whom you shared history. He would usually sit with Levi, so you assumed they were close.

"Hi, I'm Farlan," he said, extending a hand. You shook it and introduced yourself as you usually would. "Oh good, so I did get the right person. Levi just wanted me to tell you that he might be a bit late today. He left his English book at home, so he wanted to apologize," he said, letting go of your hand.

"It's fine," you said, holding your smile while a fire burned in your stomach. Farlan turned around, and you did the same.

Your friends didn't question what happened. Despite the kind look on your face, they could see the fire in your eyes.

(Time skip)

You had been sitting in the library for ten minutes when he finally showed up. It hadn't been too long, and he didn't take his time walking so you decided to let him off.

"Alright, let's get started," you said, pulling out your book. "What the hell is that smell. Did you not shower after your practice?" you asked, plugging your nose.

"No, I wasn't going to be later than I already am," he said, not even bothering to look you in the eyes. "I would have let that slide," you said, coming to peace with the fact that you'd have to deal with the smell.

"So, I guess we'll get started on the homework since we both have to do that," you said, hearing no objection from him. "It's just to finish the essay, how far are you into it, it's supposed to be ten pages long," you said.

He looked confused as if he had no idea what you were talking about. "Levi, it's due tomorrow," you said in shock. "I've been busy, and I can't work at home, it's too loud there," he said, pulling out his laptop.

You knew better than to assume things about someone's home life. Instead, you got out your notes and began to help him with the essay.

It was about a book which he thankfully did read, and since he couldn't really work at home, you extended the session an hour, having to cancel your plans.

You weren't sure why you had become so generous all of the sudden. It wasn't some 'Do what you would want someone to do for you' type shit. It wasn't that you were afraid of some sort of consequence either.

You weren't a selfless, heroic, kind person either. It was probably a one-time thing, but you could tell Levi was at least somewhat grateful.

Around an hour and a half later, you were finished with the first five pages. The two of you got up and stretched. "I have to make a quick phone call," he said, walking out of the room.

You nodded and looked at your phone. "This shouldn't take too much longer," you said to yourself, sitting back in your seat.

Levi walked back into the library not long after. You took that as a sign to take your laptop back out and got back to work.

For the next hour, the two of you worked. There was something off though. A thick tension hung in the air, one that only entered after Levi took the call.

"Is everything alright?" you managed to ask towards the end as you edited his work. "Yeah, I just have to get home quickly," he said, visibly worried.

"Here," you said, handing his laptop back to him. "I emailed the document to myself. I'll stay and finish peer editing it, so your free to go."

He looked surprised by your statement. You didn't a smile nor a frown. Your face was unadorned and stoic as you switched tabs.

"Thank you," he said, walking out the door and to his car.

"Yeah, don't mention it."


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