Chapter 16

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BTW levi is pretty ooc in this chapter, becuase it fits the story line :D



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Not long after, vacation ended and it was time to go back to school. After the incident, Levi had tried to call, message, and meet up with you multiple times. After a few days of him blowing up your phone, you blocked his number. Not long after, Farlan had gotten ahold of your number, and told you Levi still wanted to be friends. You declined the offer, but Farlan seemed to understand.

To you, it was hard to be friends with someone who you had feelings for. Others made it seem so easy as they hid their emotions from the ones they loved. You could do it, but you had already made it obvious that you liked him. It would be awkward for the both of you if you hung out knowing he didn't feel the same way.

That wasn't your biggest worry though. Another thing, a much bigger thing had caught your attention. The next town over, Marley, would be joining you for classes for a while. Over break a massive storm hit your state, and their school was flooded and messed up. Long story short, the hallways would be crowded. You didn't even know any of them, and now you were forced to eat at the same lunch table as them.

With that said, it was now time for homeroom. You and Sasha left for school early so you could secure a good seat for class. The school was nearly empty, and you were almost the first ones there. Soor after, your usual friends group, and a mixture of kids from both schools filed in. They gave each other dirty looks, and the classroom seemed to be separated by schools.

It was safe to say that your schools didn't like each other. During each sports season, both of your schools would take turns, messing up the property in any way they could. It could vary from messing up the locker rooms, to actually paying a visit to the player's houses. The teachers clearly weren't thrilled about the guests either, but didn't complain as they valued their jobs.

Not to mention there was a school dance coming up, Prom to be more specific. It was your first dance, and the entire Marley school was invited. You would have expected it to be separated into two different nights, but your school's thin budget could barely afford one dance, and Marely had their own issues to deal with.

The thing is, you most likely weren't going to go. Since no one had asked you, there really wasn't any point in doing so. Besides, your friends had already decided on staying home for a movie night, so there was no shame in skipping out. That was all you could think about in class. Even as professor Hange yelled over the chatter, your head remained clouded.

"Hey, get up. Class is over," Jean said, shaking your shoulders as kids walked out the door. You quickly stood up and shook your head. Nearly everyone had cleared out by the time you realized what was going on.

"Thanks," you muttered, grabbing your bag and making your way to history with your friend. Thankfully, that classroom was a bit more controlled. You and Jean managed to get a seat next to each other, and could pay attention fairly comfortably.

"I hate this," you groaned as the noisy kids from the other school entered. "Hopefully they leave soon," Jean continued, in just as bad of a mood as you.

As soon as everyone got settled down, class started. Even though you tried to ignore them, a pair of eyes stared into the back of your head. It was so painfully obvious who it was. There was no point in looking given the boy had made it clear he was sitting behind you.

It seemed as though Levi sat around every corner, taking every moment he could to talk to you. After a while, his stares got annoying so you decided to confront him. You weren't planning on making a big scene, but rather get the point across.

"Leave me alone," You mouthed, slightly turning so he could read your lips. Levi couldn't even get a word in as you turned around once more to look at the board. "Who was that?" Jean asked, turning to you for an answer.

"Levi," you quietly groaned, writing down a few more notes on your paper. Jean let out an audible sigh and did the same as you. That didn't mean Levi stopped though. For the rest of the class, you could feel his stare burrowing into the back of your skull, just waiting for you to confront him again.

You and Jean were the first ones out of class. Since Levi knew where you usually sat at lunch, Sasha agreed to eat out in the hallway with you. It was clear that you would have to face him at some point at some time, but now wasn't it.

So there you were, sitting on a set of stairs, eating your sandwich. Sasha sat beside you with her five course meal spread out on the floor. The both of you chatted while keeping a watchful eye.

"Hey, how are you doing?" a deep voice said from behind you. If it wasn't for the footsteps that had warned you, you would have choked on your food. "Um, hello," you replied, putting down your food and turning your attention to the boy who had just sat beside you.

He was one of those big, tall, muscular, stereotypical football jocks. He was even sporting his school jacket. You could practically feel the ego and self-worth radiating off of him as he talked.

"Can I help you with anything?" you asked, giving both a disgusted and intrigued tone to your voice. He smirked and looked you up and down while leaning forward. "Well, first off, can I get your name? I'd like to know the name of the girl I'll be taking to prom," he said, throwing an arm around your shoulder. Sasha snorted from beside you, and you nearly died from second hand embarrassment.

If it wasn't for the familiar shout, you would have straight up turned him down and left it at that, but things weren't that easy. By shout, I mean Levi calling you from down the hallway as he jogged towards you. "I'm (y/n), what's your name?" you asked, smiling at the boy. You couldn't stand it, but a part of you knew that the only reason you hummored the boy was to make Levi jealous. Jealous of what exactly? Well you weren't too sure of that yourself.

"Braden," he said, smirking as he grabbed your wrist, and pulled you closer. Sasha was practically having a fit at this point as she choked and coughed up her food from laughter. Levi had made his way to you, which only added to the hysteria.

"Hey, get your hands off of her," Levi said, sprinting up the stairs. Braden stood up and glared at Levi who stood just a foot shorter than him. "What are you going to do about it you short shit?" Brandon laughed, only furthering the conflict. "Levi, back off," you answered harshly, sending a pain to the boy's heart. After so long, you had finally spoken to him again, and that's what you had to say. "You already made it clear how you felt about me, so why can't you just accept it and date some popular girl who's actually interested in you, like Petra," you stated, standing up to face him yourself.

"Bu-" "I don't want to hear it. You can't just keep me around and use me then throw me away like garbage. That's not how a friendship works. You don't own me, and you can't keep playing with my feelings like this," you hissed, glaring down at him.

"You hear that? It's free real estate bitch," Brandon laughed as he grabbed your hand once more and dragged you down the hall. "Let's go," you said, sweetly, grabbing Sasha's hand and pulling her forward. She got one last bite of food and followed along, leaving Levi alone in the lonely halls.


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