Chapter 23

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"Years of love have been forgot, 

in the hatred of a minute"

 - Edgar Allen Poe 



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She grabbed fistfuls of hair, trying her best to drown to the pain in her head and heart. It felt like the world was caving in on her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The incident reran in her head over and over.

His hands in hers, the kiss. She thought he was the one. The one who wouldn't leave her, the one she would be with forever, but she should have known better. It had been three hours since the girl left the party, and Levi hadn't called once to see where she was.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock at her door. Jean and Sasha barreled through as soon as she opened the front door. Connie and Marco were sleeping, so it was just the two of them, but still, she was surprised they were able to come at such a late hour.

To be completely honest, (y/n) was afraid to admit it, but Jean had been right. He predicted this would happen, and (y/n) thought herself to be to naïve to not have seen it coming. Still, he didn't mention it, and instead held her in a warm embrace as she poured her heart out. 

Two hours later, her two friends went home, and she was finally able to rest. At noon, she awoke after a seven hour sleep. The thought of what happened the night before stayed with her, but this time, she wasn't sad, but rather empty.

There was a gaping hole where her heart should have been, and now she couldn't give a shit about the boy. It was his loss, and even though it made her soul so baron, being with someone who didn't love her back would undoubtedly bring twice the pain.

But since it was the middle of the day, it was best that she did something other than overthink. There was no point in checking the weather before she went out for a walk. The gloomy clouds and fresh smell signaled a storm was coming. It always seemed to be a storm. She never minded the rain, and on most days, preferred it over the sun. 

"I'm heading out!" she yelled to her mother who sat on the sofa. The older woman didn't utter a word as she sat looking at the TV. The extra shifts at work had been getting to her, and her sleep, so rather than a rude remark, (y/n) decided to leave it be. 

As she walked down the street, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret. A longing for the past, a past without a pain, a past without complications, a past without him. She knew it was unobtainable, that she couldn't change the past, but still, she asked the world why she couldn't have it.

She was lost, and okay with not being found for a while.


The rain poured, sending strands of hair down her face. The rusty swing set squeaked beneath her. People ran down the street to their cars, seeking shelter. They noticed her, alone on the old public playground, but not a single one bothered to question her, or even ask if she needed help.


Maybe it was pure luck that she heard his voice from across the street. He stood on the sidewalk, covered head to toe in the rain. Sonner or later she'd have to face him, so why not get it over with now?

Levi ran across the street without hesitation, and paused at the gates to the park. (y/n) didn't deny his entrance, but she didn't openly except it either. She hoped the silence would say it all, but still, he pressed forward. 

"I wanted to talk to you. Something happened last night, after the party. I-I was drunk, and Petra was there, I thought she was you and then... and then we-"

"Save it. I saw what happened you asshole. You seemed pretty into it at the time, and I wouldn't blame you, she's nice, pretty, and all that bullshit, but if you're gonna cheat then you'll need a better excuse for when you get caught."

The girl completely shut him down before he got a chance to finish. Levi stood in shock at what she had just said. (y/n) would have to face the situation at hand, but now was not the time. 

As she tried to leave, Levi grabbed her wrist. Tears filled his eyes as he pleaded and tried to explain himself. The girl almost felt sorry for him, but in a moment of anger, she dug her nails into her palms and pulled away. 

Levi cried out her name as she left, but the rain muffle his screams. And as the storm raged on, she walked home in the rain, but this time, without him.


Ngl, I was gonna end the story here, but you guys deserve a better ending, so while this story is coming to a close, we aren't done yet. 

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