Chapter 7

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POV: you're reading this unedited chapter becuase I forgot to post and I can't sleep so I decided to write instead of actually trying to sleep, but anyways, enjoy : )



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"What are you doing?" you said, struggling to even stand up straight. "Somewhere other than here," Levi said, anger laced in his voice. "But where?"

"You'll see."

"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" you yelled, trying to escape. "It's too noisy, and we're never going to get any work done with the old people around," Levi said, talking about the mom group.

He dragged you all the way out to his car and practically had to force you in. "You know that this can be considered abduction, right?" you asked, but he didn't reply.

"I don't want to go!" you whined, looking out the window. "We could have just found another spot in the library, or waited," you said, watching as people passed by.

"It was stuffy in there anyways, and I couldn't focus," he said calmly. "You seemed pretty focused, was it because they were teasing you," you taunted, poking him. "Shut up."

"We're just going to the park, you dumbass," he said, starting up the car. "Well, you better bring me back after because there's no way I'm leaving my car here," you said, crossing your arms.

He huffed and began to drive. You had made it quite a ways before the car's engine rumbled, but not the one you'd usually hear. "Shit!" Levi yelled as he parked on the side of the road. You looked at him in confusion.

"My uncle ran it out of gas," he said, looking at the meter. You sighed and took out your laptop. "I just sent you what we were supposed to do today," you said, putting the device back in your bag.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked while you opened the car door. "Well, there's no point staying stuck here. I'll walk back and grab my car, so I can give you a ride home," you said, a cheery smile spreading across your face as you tried to lighten the mood.

A logging truck rushed past, creating a large gust of wind. "We're on the highway. You'll get yourself killed. If you get murdered, then I'll have to be a suspect, and I already have enough on my plate, isn't that what you told me?" Levi said, locking the car and walking after you.

"You idiot," you muttered, giving up on trying to stop him. "So, how far do we have to walk?" you asked. "It's around ten miles, so it'll take a while," he answered, pulling out his phone to call a tow truck.

"It gets dark around 4 o'clock since it's November, so we should hurry," you said, looking up at the sky. "What percent is your phone at?" you asked, looking at yours. "36 what about you?" he asked "5,"

"Then we better get going,"

(time skip to when you get back to the library)

Four fucking hours, that's how long it took. You unlocked your car, relieved. "We should get going, there's no point in staying now," you said as you got into the car.

Somewhere along the way, you felt a sudden pain in your heart. When had the two of you actually become close, no not close, but you felt like you could talk to him.

The entire four-hour walk back, you talked about anything and everything. Sure, you could do this with Connie, Marco, Sasha, and even Jean, but it just felt different then.

"I'll give you your bag at school tomorrow," he said, looking out the window. "Thanks, and just text me if you have any problems with the work or if you can't do it," you said, putting the key into the ignition.

"Here," he said, setting up his phone on the dashboard. "I already know where you live, remember?" you said, clearly confused. "I'm not going to my house," he said, plainly.

You didn't question it and connected his phone to the cars speakers. "You know, I thought I was going to hate you when I first started. You're not actually that bad though," you said, trying to lighten the dull mood.

"I wish I could say the same," he said bluntly. You sent a glare at him through the mirror and continued to drive. "Your not a horrible tutor though," he said, earning a laugh from you.

"I bearly know what I'm talking about. Your the one who's doing all the work, I just get all the ideas from the teacher," you said, laughing a bit.

"We're here," he said, pointing to a white house. Farlan and a red-haired girl sat on the steps and waved to Levi as he stepped out of the car. Farlan gave you a smile that you returned, and you pulled out.

Not even a mile down the road, your phone buzzed with a call from your mother. She had always been one to prefer talking in person, and even if you weren't on speaking terms, this had to have serious.

"What do you want?" you asked, parking and picking up the phone. "(y/n), it's your father," she said, in an exhausted voice. "What, what's going on?" you said, expecting the worst.

"He called, he just got deployed, but it's only for a short while, (y/n), your father is coming home early," your mother said, and you could feel the tears in her voice.

You hung up the phone and buried your face into your arms. But they weren't tears of sadness, in fact, they were the exact opposite.


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