Chapter 18

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"Let me radiate

only love

only light

only healing"

- Xan Oku



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"So, does this mean we're dating?" you questioned as Levi put the keys in the ignition and started the car. "I guess so. If that's what you want," he answered, slowly pulling out of the school parking lot as kids buzzed around.

Since the moment he grabbed it, Levi hadn't let go of your hand, and you hadn't tried to force it away. Still, your smile remained, though something did loom in your mind. "Hey, how are Isabelle and Farlan going to get home?" you asked, looking back as the big brick building faded from sight.

"They're getting a ride home with Petra. I asked her a little while back, about an hour ago, and she said she has room in her car," he answered, turning to get a glimpse of your reaction. You weren't really the jealous type, so your smile didn't falter.

"To be completely honest, I thought you and her were a thing a while back," you laughed, not intending to make the situation awkward. Though luck though. Things never really did work in your favor. Levi's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he looked dead into the road.

"That's because we were."

"Uh, oh my god, holly shit, I am no sorry!" you yelled, covering your mouth and sinking back into the seat to hide your embarrassment. "It's not a problem. Our relationship was never that serious. It was only for a year or so, and the breakup was mutual, I think," Levi said, saying the last part quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear.

"First off, a year is a long time considering the only relationship I had was in kindergarten, it lasted for about three hours. Secondlyl what do you mean by think?" you asked. Really, it was nothing to get too worked up about. Though you had to admit, you were a bit curious.

"Well, it didn't feel real for the most part. For most of the year, we acted more like friends with benefits rather than a real couple. Most people didn't even know we were dating since we never showed anything towards each other, and if we did, it was normally one sided. After a while, I decided to end things, and she agreed that it was best, but she still clung on. It was only a month before we began tutoring, but I think that after that, she lost hope that we would get back together. I'm still not completely sure though," Levi finished.

You hummed in response, continuing to look out the window just the same as before. There really was no right way to respond to what he said, so, you chose silence instead. He must have thought differently about it than you did, given once he finished, the mood completely changed.

"You're not worried right? I hope you know I would never choose her over you. It was all in the past, and I completely lost feelings for her. You're the one I want," Levi responded. It pained him to say that. Not because he didn't love you, because he loved you from the bottom of his heart, but because he had never been good at expressing his emotions. He did it for you though. To let you know that he would always be there for you, and he wasn't planning on leaving.

"Of course I know that. Besides, not to brag or anything, but I'm one of a kind," you laughed, punching him in the arm a bit. "Yeah, you sure are," he replied, rolling down the windows.

The wind blew past you as you slightly stuck your head out the window. Some songs played in the back, and to be honest, it felt like some cheesy 80's romance movie, where the guy gets the girl, and they drive off into the sunset, except ev's car was a bit more modern, and it was pitch black so there was no golden glow. Though, you did have to admit, it felt like for a moment, you let go of your worries, and lived in the moment.

Everything felt different with Levi around. There was so much you wanted to do, like see the stars, stay up till sunrise, go for a midnight swim in a freezing lake, and just live life without restraints. Sure, most highschool relationships don't last long, but this one felt different, because with Levi, you felt different, alive, free, or however you wanted to put it. You continued to look out the window, and it was only until you almost got hit by a tree branch that you went back in.

Levi's lips turned upwards slightly as he looked down the long road. For a brief moment, you stared. No matter how many times you saw his smile, it would captivate you every time.

Soon enough, Levi pulled into your driveway. Neither of you wanted to let go of the other hand as you blankly stared at the windshield, but it had to be done one way or another. "Well, I guess I should get going," You sighed, slipping your hand free from his grasp. Your hand felt cold as the warms quickly left it, and you balled up your fists.

"Goodnight," Levi said, avoiding eye contact, but you could hear the honestly in his voice. "Night, and thank you," you said with a smile as you headed for the door.

Levi closed the passenger side door and muttered softly to himself, It was directed towards you, even if you couldn't hear it, he just felt the need to say it.

"Goodnight, my love"

A/N: WEll then. Looks like we found out a little secret about Petra and Levi. I honestly hate the way this chapter is written, but it'll do for now, so, I hope you like it. 

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