Chapter 4

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Here you were, Monday morning. As usual, you weren't in a good mood. It wasn't from a sore neck or even that afternoon's tutoring session.

Right after tutoring, you would hed home to your mother. She would have you put on a pretty dress, clean up, and slap some makeup on your face like a dress-up doll.

Why you may ask? Her boss and colleges were coming over for a fancy dinner. Of course it would be at your house so she could show off her perfect little daughter who she didn't have time for any other day.

To be completely honest, you can't even remember the last time you and your mom had a decent conversation. She would get home from the office every day in the middle of the night.

You were up still on most nights but didn't care to bother each other. She gave you money for food, paid the bills, and worked, but the two of you didn't have a real relationship.

Just the thought of sitting around the table with a bunch of snotty businessmen made you sick. That's exactly why you were going to try and lengthen the study session as long as possible.

Right now, it was lunch. After that, you would have your free period, then tutoring. It was a dark and gloomy day, but thankfully they still had baseball.

That would give you about an hour to grab a bite to eat, and get ready to teach. "I hate my life," you groaned, resting your head on the filthy lunch table.

"What is it this time?" Connie asked, getting ready for your daily complaint. "It's just my mom," you started. "Oh boy," Connie said, regretting that he even asked.

The four already knew about your home life, and to top it off, they were fully aware of the night ahead of you.

"It's just, I have to sit around a table of pervy old men for three hours. They'll all be drunk, and laughing in my face. My mom will give them a tour, and I'll be lucky if they don't snoop. I wish she'd just leave me alone like she normally does," you said. The others sighed, I mean, It was the third time today you had ranted.  

"And to top it off, I have tutoring. It's not as bad as I initially thought, but I'd rather be with you guys than studying in the library."

The bell had rung, and you gathered your stuff. You shared your free period with Jean and Marco, so you waved goodbye to the other two.

The three of you tossed your bags into your lockers and headed to the stairwell. Every day, during the free period, whether rain or shine, you'd head to the roof.

Not many people visited up there, so you were free to do whatever you wanted. The three of you had a little hang out spot, which you even brought stuff into. 

It was hidden behind the old broken heater and the boiler. Of course, Sasha and Connie went there on their free period, but the three of you used it most.

As far as you knew, none of the teachers had figured out about it. The roof was off-limits, that's why no one went up there. The school was also too poor to fix the heat, so none of them would find it.

You headed into your small space and just enjoyed everything. "This is crazy isn't it," you said, looking up at the cloudy sky. "What are you talking about?" Marco asked.

"Next year is our senior year, and then we'll be off to college. The five of us have been together since middle school. Do you think we'll stay in touch once we graduate?" you asked.

"To be completely honest with you, I don't know," Jean said in a solemn tone. "I hope so though," Marco added, giving his usual, cheerful smile.

"You know what, this is sad, let's change the topic," you said. "I'm gonna get started on my homework," you said, pulling out a page of math. The other two did the same, and you spent the rest of your free period studying.

After that was done though, you wished your friends goodbye and headed to the parking lot.

Your can had been fixed over the weekend, so you were free to do what you wanted. After a bit of pondering, you settled on a small diner near the school. You ordered ahead of time and went on your way to pick it up.

After eating and getting ready, Levi arrived at the library. You waved him over and pulled out your English book.

"So how'd you do on the English essay?" you asked. "I got an 83%," he said, sounding embarrassed and unimpressed. "I say that's pretty good considering you did it last minute," you said, fairly impressed.

"Is there anything you wanted to work on, or anything you are having extra trouble with?" you questioned. He shook his head and you nodded in response.

"Then I think it's best if we go over basic grammar and sentence structure. It may seem like third-grade stuff, but it helps," you said, opening a new tab with notes you had taken. The document was shared with Levi, so both of you went over it together.

He didn't grumble or complain. It was almost as if he wanted to learn. The two of you were nowhere near enjoying each other's company, but at least you could tolerate each other.

Both of you finished the session, and bid each other goodbye. You gave him a printed copy of the notes and asked him to go over it if he had any time.

"See you Wednesday," you said, walking to your car. "Wait," he said, catching your attention. You stopped dead in your tracks and listened to what he had to say.

"What's your number, just in case I have trouble with the work," he asked. You looked at him with confusion. "Why? Can't you just email me?" You asked.

"I did, three times. You still haven't answered a single one of them," he said. "Oh, sorry about it, here," you said, writing it down on a piece of paper.

"Thanks," he said, walking to his car, "and, goodbye."


A/N: This is pretty late since I had som stuff to take care of, and procrastonated, but I hope you liked it.

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