Chapter 6

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A/N: This takes place in a moderately small town. It has sketchy abandon looking buildings, small shops, and creeps. It's kind of hard to explain though. Also, it's set somewhere in New England, or up north in general. 

On another note, thi is coming out a bit later than I wnated it to concidering I fell asleep while editing.Hope you like it though <3 



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It was Wednesday, and you had yet another tutoring session. Ever since Monday, your mother has tried desperately to talk to you about what she said.

You avoided her at all costs. Whatever she had to say, whenever it was an apology or not, you didn't want to hear it.

As far as you knew, Levi hadn't mentioned anything to anybody. You hadn't either. It wouldn't be a huge deal if he had, but you'd rather nobody know.

No, you weren't embarrassed to be hanging out with him. The chances of a rumor going around that you hooked up were just too high.

You would be branded as easy, a slut, whore, and many other names. Levi wouldn't have to deal with much, but you'd have to stop tutoring him, and he would fail. That's just the way high school works.

But apart from that, your day was going pretty well. At the moment, you were in English. Mr. Smith gave you a list of things he wanted you to teach Levi, so the stress of planning. There was also no practice since the field was flooded.

The field wasn't the only thing flooded. The library of all places had gotten a leak in the roof, and now it was closed. Levi hadn't contacted you yet, so there wasn't a plan for the tutoring session, and you had to text first.


Hey, do you have a plan for today? 

The library is flooded so we can't go there.


Ankle biter.

Let's just go to the town library. That's the only place that's 

open beside the gas station, and we can't go there.



No shit Sherlock. 

I'll meet you in the parking lot before we go.


You sent your last message and slipped your phone into your bag. The lunch bell wrung just as you did, and you couldn't have been readier. Your head hurt from your morning classes, and you prayed the cafeteria wouldn't be to loud today.

Learning to Love - Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now