Chapter 12

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10 weeks had passed since the day Levi walked away. The two of you hadn't spoken a word to each other since. In that time, a lot had happened.

Your father's funeral had happened for one. We're not here to talk about that though. Yeah, it was sad, but apart from the lack of a father figure, it hadn't really affected you.

The real problem was Levi. He had completely forgotten about you. That was expected, but you couldn't forget about him. It seemed like every little thing reminded you of him.

It was clear to you that you had fallen in love. That's why you had avoided him this entire time. You didn't want to love, you didn't want to hurt, you didn't want to get attached to someone who would just leave, but it happened.

You couldn't' get him off your mind, and it hurt, it hurt so bad. It was always in the back of your mind like an itch you couldn't scratch. You were still able to go about your day without a problem.

That was until today. It was the last hour of the last day of school before the holiday break. You were walking out to your car, avoiding the slush as best as possible.

For some reason, that was the exact moment Sasha had realized she forgot her phone in her locker. You weren't going to go back with her, so you were going to go home.

The plan was to go to your car, get in, and drive home. That all changed when someone approached you from behind. A hand found its way to your shoulder, and you nearly slapped them. "Wow," they said, jumping back a bit.

It was none other than Petra Ral, known to be the prettiest girl at school. "Hi," she said, giving you an innocent wave. Unlike most girls in your school, she was genuinely kind and caring.
"Hey," you said, waiting for her to say why she approached you. "I know this is kind of out of the blue, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to this party I'm having Friday night. I know this is kind of weird since we've never even talked before, but you seem really nice, and I wanted to see you there," she smiled.

You thought about it for a moment. You weren't really a party person, but it couldn't hurt to try. "Sure, why not?" you smiled. "Great!" Petra said happily. The two of you exchanged numbers and went your separate ways.

Friday, that was tomorrow. You had no idea who would be there or the real reason you were invited, but It wouldn't hurt to go.

"Why was she talking to you?" Sasha asked, looking over your shoulder. "Something about a party," you said, shrugging and getting into your car. "See you later," you said, waving too Sasha.

- Time skip to the next day

It was the day of the party. Ever since you had driven off, you had regretted the decision you made. What if Levi was there? What if Darian was there? What if they were both there? The possibilities and formulas for disaster were endless. Plus, you had to pick out a decent outfit to go in.

There wasn't much in your closet, and most of it was your everyday clothes. Sasha or the boys wouldn't be much help either. Sasha didn't know the first thing about dressing up, and neither did the boys.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't bring yourself to be excited about the event.

Of course, you could always cancel, but we all know how that would turn out. You'd probably end up guilting yourself into going, and make a fool out of yourself as you sat in the corner.

There really was no point in going. Petra expected you to be there, but the chances of you even talking was low. If you asked Sasha to accompany you, she would most likely reject, so you were on your own.

The least you could do is show up. Most of the popular kids were bitchy drug addicts and dealers who didn't give a shit about anybody but themselves. That's who would be there. 

Though, in the end, you picked out a short black dress your mom had bought, and slipped in on with ease. The cloth was form-fitting with thin straps. Not your style, but it would do. Maybe you would be able to wear a jacket over it too.

Pretty soon, the hours began to pass and your anxiety grew. The thought of the party haunted you as the sky grew dark. Soon, it was time to go, and you couldn't have been more unprepared. 


A/N: This is short and the second part is a bit of a filler, but I hope you like it either way 0-0

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