Chapter 27

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Hey... it's the lazy author here, just letting you guys know that this is the last chapter, I hope you guys have liked the story so far. Also, this chapter barely makes any sense, so hang on for this wild ride. 


"Wow!" you said, looking at the dress Sasha had picked out for you for the homecoming dance. You were too sick over the weekend to go dress shopping together, so she offered to buy one for you.

It was a long terracotta colored dress (whatever style you like). The homecoming dance was the night after the pep-rally, and even though you weren't too keen on going, Sasha still insisted.

"It's nice right?" she asked with enthusiasm.

"Of course, I love it!"

"Go try in on then!"

You grabbed the dress without a moment's hesitation and ran to the bathroom to slip it on. Without any struggle, you got the dress on, and it fit perfectly.

That was when you got the damn email that ruined your whole week.


good afternoon students,

due to bad weather and possible early snow, the pep rally, as well as homecoming dance has been moved to this weekend. We apologies for the short notice, but this was a last-minute decision. This is also a reminder that school is closed Monday as a teacher workday, enjoy the rest of your weekend.


"What the fuck?"

"I don't want to go," you groaned, hiding your head in your hands. That meant that it was the next day. It was super short notice, but you understood that it was the only day they could reschedule it too, since after the snow things would be too cold.

"(y/n), I have to go, but I'll pick you up at six," Sasha said, checking her phone for the time. You waved goodbye and sighed, maybe it you faked being sick she would leave you alone and let you skip.


"Holly shit it's cold!" you exclaimed, and the cold breeze chilled you to the bone. You stood next to the bleachers, Sasha by your side. The football field was filled with students buzzing about. There really was nothing to do apart from go around the student stands and buy things. 

Both you and Sasha walked to the senior class stand, where the two of you bought coffee and sandwiches. They were pretty basic, but it seemed like so far, the senior class booth was the most popular. 

"Guess who!" yelled a voice from behind you, covering your eyes. 

"Get your damn hands off of me Connie," you laughed, turning around and preforming your super-secret handshake. Jean stood beside him, giving you a hug when you and Connie were finished. 

"So, how long until the fireworks?" you asked, checking your phone for the time. 

"Um... Half an hour, I think. Cheer has a performance on the field and there's going to be a quick speech by the principle about how excited he is for this school year, then I think it will be time," Jean explained. 

"Just great," you said, shivering a bit. It would take a while to adjust to the cold, but you would manage. "Come on, let's burn some time at the games," you said, walking in the direction of the cornhole set. 


nearly half an hour later, you and Jean had officially won the game. Sasha sighed as she pulled out her wallet, Connie did the same. The agreement was that the pair that won would get twenty dollars each to spend on whatever they wanted. 

You grabbed the money from Sasha, greedily counting the four fives in your hand. "Hey guys," you heard from behind you. Nicolo, a boy from your cooking class, joined your group shortly after. 

"Sorry (y/n), I forgot to tell you, I have a date," Sasha said. Nicolo hung his arm around her shoulder with a soft smile. They were perfect together. 

"OOOOOOOHHHH," you and Connie teased as they said their goodbyes. Jean laughed along, making fake kissy faces as they walked away. 

"I'm going to run to the convenience store down the road, do you two want anything?" Connie asked, checking the time. There was ten minutes left on the clock. You and Jean declined his offer.

Now it was just the two of you. 

"So, what do you want to spend our money on?" You asked, looking around at the multiple stands, lined with students. 

"I have an idea, I'll be right back," Jean said, grabbing your money and running off.

He returned nearly five minutes later. His arms were filled with candy, snacks, drinks, and a blanket. Your eyes widened it shock, how the hell could he even carry all of that?

"Here, let me grab some," you offered, but he was quick to protest. 

"Come on, let's find a place on the field before it fills up," he said, walking in that direction. It was almost time for the fireworks display. Thankfully, the two of you found a place not far from where you started, and Jean was finally able to free his arms of the food. 

"Okay, now to get started..."

"(y/n), I need to talk to you," Levi said, standing nearly ten feet away.

"Levi, sorry, but I'm kind of handing out with Jean right now, can this wait?"

"It's fine, you can go, I don't mind," Jean said, a small look of disappointment on his face. You gave him a sorry look and walked to the parking lot where you were mostly alone, apart from a few stoners and a freshman couple making out. 


"What the hell do you want?" you asked, annoyed as hell. 

"I really wanted to give you space, but it's been eating at my for months. I like you, a lot, and I get if you don't ever want to see me again, but please, listen to me," he said, a look of despair plastered on his face. Levi clenched his fists is distress, and you nodded in response. 

"That night, I didn't mean to kiss Petra."

You wanted to call bullshit, but something deep inside you knew he was telling the truth. 

"I- I thought it was you. I really did, but I was so drunk I could barely even think straight. I was so sure it was you, but it wasn't. I get that you don't love me anymore, but please, forgive me," he pleaded. You believed him, it didn't change the anger you felt, not right away, but something else was there too.

"I don't forgive you, not entirely, because the hate can't go away that fast, but I believe you, and I'm willing to give us another shot, it you want too," you said with a smile. 

"I'd like that," Levi said, and just like, your lips met his, and that was it.

(I know it doesn't work like that IRL; I'm just trying to bullshit my way through the rest of this book)


Jean staired in despair. He saw it all, and he knew by the look on your face that you loved Levi just as much as he loved you. Jean dropped the gold necklace in the grass, the one he meant to give to you. 

Jean had loved you, more than his own heart could even comprehend, and he blew his only shot of winning you over. 

-< 3-

"I'm turning around, I'm having visions of you

But then I understand

The friend I'm dreaming of is far away

But I'm here, I'm here"


A/N: Thank you for reading, also on a side note, IDK if any of you picked up on it, but I was dropping hints that Jean liked the reader the entire story. Sorry, this took so long, I had no idea how I wanted to end the story, but I did, so thank you for reading!!! Also, there may be a sequel in the future where Jean and the reader date, idk probably not though

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