Chapter 22

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"May the flowers remind us

Why the rain was so necessary"

- Xan Oku



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Two weeks after the party, at (y/n)'s house.

"What should I wear?" you asked, looking through your closet as Levi sat on your bed. He briefly looked up from his phone to see you with multiple outfits layed out. "It doesn't really matter, but if I have to choose, I think it should be the middle one," he answered, looking at a simple, yet stylish choice.

"Yeah, you're right," you said, picking up the outfit and getting ready to head into the bathroom to change. He sighed, noticing your slightly off attitude. You weren't one to really care about your looks, and now you were obsessing over which outfit you should wear.

"What's going on with you?" he asked, shutting off his device and looking you dead in the eyes. You hummed in response, asking him to elaborate since you were completely clueless. "What I mean is, why do you even care? It's not like you like any of the people that are going to be there. It's weird enough that you agreed to go," he said. You set your clothes on the bathroom counter and leaned up against the wall.

"Because, we're entering out senior year. I don't want this one to be sucky like all the ones before. Even if it's just once, I want to know what it's like to actually let loose, be popular, and look like one of those picture perfect girls in the movies," you said. It was a joke of course. You didn't care, and probably never would, but behind every lie is a bit of truth.

Levi got up and slowly walked towards you. His arms wrapped around your neck as he held you close. "Don't be like that, you're perfect," he said, not the slightest hint of hesitation in his voice. "What the fuck. Now you're the one who's acting off. What happened to old grumpy Levi who only cares about sports and school?" You said, giving him a pouty look.

He groaned as you let you and walked into the bathroom to change. "And for the record, I know that I'm perfect, so there's no need to tell me twice," you yelled, a bit of amusement in your voice. Levi smiled to himself and leaned back onto the mattress.

Nearly five minutes later, you walked out of the bathroom dressed in your outfit. "How much time do we have left before we head out?" You asked, looking around for your phone. Levi unlocked his own and checked the time. "Around twenty minutes."

"That's so long," you groaned, flopping on the bed beside him and looking up at the ceiling. He sighed, knowing he'd probably have to deal with your complaints for the rest of the night. "Why don't we just watch some TV until it's time to go?" he suggested.

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