Chapter 10

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That night, you went home to your mother. She was on the couch, blackout drunk, and a bottle in hand. Not long after you and Levi had finished talking, he offered to take you home.

You refused though and took your own car home. After the whole thing, something stayed with you, and that was his touch. Nearly a month ago, you had just met, and you hated his guts. The very mention of his name sent you to hell and back.

Now, he had actually managed to calm you down. It was like he was a completely new person. You enjoyed his company, and he seemed to enjoy yours.

He had hugged you, and it had managed to calm you down. Something about him just comforted you. Of course, this was something you'd never admit. It's not like it would matter in a week.

Levi would be gone. He was passing English with flying colors, so there was no need to tutor him anymore. The thought didn't make you sad but disappointed.

Like I mentioned before, spending time with him was like your getaway. There was no reason you would have to stop hanging out completely, but you weren't going to go out of your way to do so.

Jean played baseball with him, but that was about the only connection you had. History was your only class together, and it's not like Jean was his friend.

You changed your clothes and took a shower. The bed was cold, but you laid there nonetheless. In one week, it would be like you had never known Levi Ackerman.

You sighed and threw your head against the pillow. "Oh well," you muttered, staring at the blank ceiling. In about a month, you would probably forget all bout each other, so there was no use dwelling on it now.

You opened your phone out of pure boredom. It had been a while since you check Instagram, so you scrolled down your feed. The first thing that popped up was a picture of your mother and your father.

It was some sort of cheesy "I miss you" posts that people make of their dead dogs. It had some caption like "You will be missed," with the username right beside it.

Something about it made you mad. It was from your mother. The day you had found out your father died, no, three hours after, she was already spreading the news.

It was a small town, and many of your friends had found your mom's Instagram. This wasn't the kind of news you wanted getting out. Your mom had always been the type of person to publicly announce events in her life. She should have boundaries though.

When you went to the comments, kids from you had said their sorries. In a small town, news spreads like wildfire. Pretty soon, you were getting sympathy texts. Some from kids you had never even spoken to.

It made you sick to think that you were one of the most invisible girls in school, but once someone can get something from you, they take advantage of that.

Some of these people probably didn't even know your name before today. That's why you blocked their accounts and numbers. They didn't care for you. They cared for the attention they got.

Of course, you did get texts from the few people that did care for you. Levi texted to see if you made it home, Sasha texted to see if everything was okay. Jean asked if you wanted to talk, Marco offered to come over, and Connie tried to cheer you up.

You were thankful for each one of them. Although you decided not to take Marco up on the offer, though you gave him a call instead. He listened to it while you ranted about the night's events. You did leave out the part about Levi hugging you and the personal information he entrusted to you.

He listened about your mom, your day, and especially about the dick head that tried to touch your ass. By the description, you learned that it was some guy named Darian Manseau, a kid who had just transferred to our school.

He was a bimbo blonde with a bellicosity and furciferous personality. The boy was the epidemy of stupid. If you had any classes with him, there would be no doubt in your mind you would drop out. Maybe not drop out, but this time, you wouldn't hesitate to beat the living shit out of him.

Marco also had to break the news to you that he was a baseball player. A very talented catcher at that. If it wasn't for Reiner, your team's star catcher Levi would probably flip his lid.

You couldn't imagine that he would be happy about it. Levi seemed to be the yonderly type, always absent-minded and emotionally distant. Today though, he had finally shown his true colors. You weren't sure if you'd ever see that side of him again, but it was unlikely.

If it wasn't for Marco, you probably would have gone insane a long time ago. "Well, would you look at that," you muttered, looking out the window. The heavy rain had dulled down to a light drizzle that then turned to snow.

Soon, Marco had to hang up, and you were left with silence, staring at the bare ceiling. It wasn't like you could sleep. As tired as you were, it wasn't that you could just forget what happened.

Your father was dead, you had been sexually harassed and assaulted, and a boy you had barely even known told you his whole life story. It was okay, though. In time you would forget all about what had happened.

At least that's what you told yourself. In truth, today would be a day to remember. It would be a day that would change the fate of your whole life story.

From the comfort in the storm to meeting this Darian fellow, this was the start of your new beginning.


A/N: Well then +-+ 

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