Chapter 9

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"His cold hands brushed against her skin, yet she could still feel their warmth,"

I suggest you read while listening to set the mood



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You parked in the cafe parking lot and searched for your umbrella. The rain was coming down harder by the minute, and even with a raincoat, you would be drenched.

It took while for you to actually step out of the car. It was almost as if all the energy had been sucked dry, and you were left with a hallow body. Still, you left the car and headed into the restaurant without a second glance.

Even with the raincoat, and umbrella, your clothes were nearly soaked by the time you entered the building. The crowded diner allowed you no room for comfort, which only added to the stress.

It was hard to find Levi amongst the giants, but within a few minutes, he had found you. "Over here!" he yelled, standing on a chair as the adults crowded around the counter and tables. You Sat down in a seat across from him, and kept your supplies in sight.

He seemed bothered by the constant chatter of the tables beside you, but it was manageable. Going to either of your houses wasn't an option, especially now that the rain had started. The crowd probably wouldn't allow you to squeeze by either, given even more people had begun to flood in.

"Sorry I'm late, my mom needed some help with the chores," you lied, trying to cover up the fact you were sat in your car for fifteen minutes. "It's fine. I just got here too. My uncle needed help with the groceries," Levi replied.

It was a lie for sure. At least you had made an effort to hide it, but I bet yours was see through too. You hadn't a clue what was going on with him, but the two of you decided not to question each other.

"How about we start on the homework?" you asked, pulling out a textbook. Levi did the same, not objecting to the request. 

"Have you started yet?" you asked, looking over your notes and answers. "Yeah, I actually finished," he responded, sliding the paper towards you. "Great, i'll check them real quick."

Levi pulled out his phone and scrolled through texts while he waited. There wasn't much going on in the small town of yours, so he wasn't busy for long.

"Wow, all of these answers are correct except for five. Even that was was almost spot on, but the answer was B, not A. It should have been a period and not a question mark," you said, handing him back the page.

"First off, is there anything you need to work on or have trouble with?" you asked. Levi shook his head, and you pondered for a moment. "I don't think there's anything you need improving on. We're probably all good for today," you said.

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