Chapter 13

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This is a playlist that kind of fits the theme of this chapter, but you don't have to listen although it's recommended 



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You couldn't help but look in the mirror as you passed by. The dress looked nice, and complemented your features. Still, you felt uncomfortable and insecure at the thought of going to a party. It was nothing to get anxious over, most people wouldn't end up remembering the night, but still. It was a posh country club Petra's parents owned. In your school, everyone was either rich or middle class, no in between. You however, fell into the second category. Petra's family fell into the first.

There was no certainty that anyone you knew would even be there. To be completely honest, the only reason you agreed was the slight amount of hope you felt. The hope that maybe, just maybe, Levi would be there. All you wanted was to forget about the boy, but it was hard, so hard.

There was no point dwelling on it. At the moment, you had bigger things to worry about. Even as you started your car, the anxiety remained. There was no turning back from this. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn't let yourself wimp out, not now.

As you pulled out of the driveway, you finally let yourself go from your thoughts. Tonight was a night to let go, have fun, even if it took a while to warm up to it. Maybe you'd have a drink or two, maybe you'd share a kiss, make some new friends, and forget it all in the morning.

Thankfully, the ride wasn't long, and soon, the wait was gone. The worry melted away, well, mostly. Even as you approached the door, your heart boomed and your blood pumped. Music was blasting and the light flashed from the windows. Your face fell at how worked up you were about nothing. Prestigious my ass. Kids were passed out drunk on the lawn, and there was trash everywhere. For a country club, the place was pretty shitty.

"(y/n), glad you could make it!" Petra chirped, greeting you at the door. You put on your crowd pleasing smile and gave a wave. As you entered the building. The smell of alcohol filled your nose. It reminded you of those college movies where the outcast goes to the frat house for the first time.

Sweaty kids bumped into you in a drunken daze. The close contact was nauseating, but you put up with if for the moment. As soon as possible, you found a chair on the outskirts of the room. Your classmates danced and tripped over you, spilling drinks as they got caught up in a drunken make out session.

The familiarity of the scene was almost funny. Stoners sat in the corner, the preppy girls on the other end, judging from the sidelines. A laugh escaped your lips as the bass boomed, sending a shake to your feet.

Freshman year you had promised yourself you would never be seen at a party. It was for yourself, your grades, your mom, and most importantly, your dad. With him away, there was no point in giving him your grades to worry about too. Now look at you. Sitting in the corner of a country club, inhaling secondhand smoke while alcohol addicts stumbled around.

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