Chapter 21

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"Normality is a paved road:

It's comfortable to walk,

But no flowers grow."

- Vincent van gogh




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Six weeks later ( I was going to do an eight week time skip, but realized that that would probably be to long, so this is taking place in mid-late April)

You and Levi's relationship was as good as ever. You managed to ignore the whole Petra thing, and now your doubts were gone. Around a week after the baseball game, you told Levi that you did check Petra's message. At first he was a bit confused as to why you did it, but completely forgave you and pushed it aside once you explained yourself.

He told you that you shouldn't be worried about Petra, and you understood. You were his, and he was yours. If anything every did happen between him and Petra, he assured you that you would be the first one to know, but that wouldn't be an issue.

It provided you with a bit of closure given summer was right around the corner. In two weeks, you would be on summer vacation. You weren't going anywhere, and neither was Levi. For the first week, most kids were going to stay home.

Since the weather was already warm, today, you and Levi were going to go to a lake. Well, not really a lake. More like a big rock in the middle of the woods that only the kids your age ever visited. (Idk if every town has a spot like this, but whatever)

It was a friday night, and it was a given that it would be crowded. Most nights, it was pretty chill, but since it was in the middle of the woods, you could be as loud as you wanted. Most of the adults thought there was a study hall being held at the school, while a few knew what was going on. The few that knew were most likely the ones who didn't care, or provided the drinks.

I guess you could say it was bad that adults encourage this behavior, but you were all young, dumb, and ignorant anyways. What you did now, the relationships you made and ruined, didn't really matter in the long run.

That's probably what prompted you to grab your bathing suit, and get in your boyfriends car. He wasn't too big into parties, and neither were you. The only real reason you went was because it was a hot summer night, and in the end, it probably wouldn't matter. Probably.

"So, where is this break away point?" you asked, looking out the window as you neared the forest edge. Break away point, is what most people called it since it was like a break away from normal life. It's where people went to break away from reality, because no matter what shit happened, no one would dare give away what happens there. To be honest, you wouldn't be too surprised if there was a body in the water.

"It's about a mile and a half in, but I know the way so we shouldn't get lost," Levi assured, getting out of the car and locking it. You parked about half a mile away from where you would actually enter the woods. It was like a rule that you can't park anywhere near the quarry since people were already suspicious.

The leaves crunched under your sandals as you entered the woods. Already half a mile in, you would begin to hear the music booming and different groups began to near towards you. Some of the kids you knew, and others, you had only seen once or twice. A lot of them you didn't even know since they were brothers, sisters, cousins, or friends of your classmates.

"Levi, (y/n), you guys made it!" the blonde from the baseball game yelled as he approached you. He was dressed in swimming shorts and his shaggy hair waved around as he lumbered closer. To be honest, he looked like that one beanstalk giant from jack and the beanstalk, just slimmer.

"I already told you we were coming didn't I?" Levi huffed, pushing past the blonde. You chuckled to yourself as the dumbfounded boy watched you and Levi fade away.

You set your stuff down on a white fold out table with the other bags. Most everyone was either in the water, ir on the rocks behind it. There was the exception of a few pairs making out on the sides, and others at the food table or near the speakers. A few of Levi's friends came up to greet you as you made sure you had everything.

"You ready?" you asked, taking off your shirt and shorts to reveal your bathing suit. "Yeah," he replied, doing the same as you walked to the water's edge. A few people watched as the both of you walked into the water and swam to a secluded corner.

"Shit!" you yelled as someone jumped front he rocks overhead and splashed you with water. It sent a wave toward both you and Levi, nearly making the both of you choke on the dirty water. "Hey, watch it," Levi warned, sitting on a stone beneath you instead of floating.

"Sorry man!" the boy yelled, diving under the water and ruffling his hair. "Idiots, all of them," Levi mattered to himself, barely audible enough for you to hear. "Hey, how's it going?" A sweet voice said from above you, looking down.

Petra's hair hung in her face as she watched from above. You smiled and waved and she did the same. "Hey," you hummed as she climbed down the side of the rack and waited in the water across from the two of you.

Levi looked at you, making sure you were comfortable. You gave him an assuring glance, signalling you knew that she was harmless. She fixed the straps of her swimsuit and gave another smile before beginning to speak again.

"So, my friend I are going to be throwing a party in two weeks at the start of summer, and we were wondering if you wanted to go? It should be a bit more chill than the last one," she laughed. Before Levi could answer, you did. "Sure, why not?" you laughed, giving her an equally charming smile.

"Great! I'll text you the details. You two have fun," she said, swimming to the other side of the quarry to another group. "What was that?" Levi asked. "Nothing, I just thought it would be fun."



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