Chapter 14

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He let out a cold air breath as you helped him in and ran to your side of the car. There was no doubt in your mind the police would be called, so you had to be out of there as soon as possible. Levi grabbed your hand again, this time for comfort. You smiled to yourself and held it tight and steered with the other.

"Where are we going?" he asked as you turned down an unfamiliar street.


Levi stared out the window as the stars shined through the clouds. "Thanks for that," you muttered, trying to start up a conversation as you gripped the wheel. He averted his gaze from you and continued to stare out the window. The silence wasn't exactly awkward, but more uncomfortable. There really was nothing to say after what had just happened. Still, he held onto you just the same.

"For what?" He asked, leaning forward a bit to fix his posture. You smiled to yourself and laughed. He looked at you, confusion in his gaze. "For standing up for me. Before you say anything, I feel like I needed to thank you because you could have just left, in fact most people would have."

You couldn't see it as he was turned to the window, but Levi smiled. It was a meaningless thanks, but it made his heart flutter. "Yeah, no problem," he muttered, trying to hide the small blush. You had noticed but decided to ignore it rather than address the situation.

What he really felt, was what you could not see. Levi was worried, and for a good reason. You were a kind girl to those you respected, but to most, you were vulnerable. Now, I don't want to make you seem like some helpless fool, but to many, that's all you appeared to be. That's the reality of the situation. To darian specifically, you were a toy to be played with. Merely a doll to take apart and undress to his own amusement. Unlike today, someday you might not be lucky enough to get off with just a few scratches. That's what he was worried about.

Darian was a sick and manipulative bastard who would do anything to get his way. Apart from that, he was persistent and hard to avoid, which weren't good qualities given his personality. "Can you make me a promise that you'll stay away from Darian?" Levi asked. You gave him a side glance and thought about it. Levi's tone was cold, and you knew he was serious just by the look on his face.

A long moment of silence passed before you answered. "You didn't even have to ask. Of course I will." A small laugh left your lips. Levi let out a sigh of relief and looked back out the window at the falling snow

You drove off the highway. It was hard to see. The snow flew at your windshield, making it hard to focus on the road ahead. It melted as soon as it hit, and if you dared to stop the car, there was no doubt it would start to freeze.

The road was eerie as you finally made it to a road without cars. No houses stood by either, but this didn't seem to bother either of you. The dry snow flew up as your car passed by and the wind howled. It was almost as if a mist was rising from the ground. Ever so often, you'd hit a frost heave and fall forward a bit.

Learning to Love - Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now