Chapter 8

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A/N: I got a new GIF that better suites the next few chapters



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You spent the rest of the school week in a rather good mood. You and your mom had started to talk again, your dad was coming home, and everything seemed orderly and set for the best.

The weekend went well too. Your friends had taken you shopping and out for food, and you finally had some free time. It was almost as if nothing could go wrong, but that was far from the truth. 

Although the town and school library were closed, you and Levi planned to meet up later in the night at a well known diner in the center of town. It was pretty busy most of the time, but the chances of it being crowded tonight were low.

The school day seemed short and it was finally time to head home. You gave Sasha a ride to work and drove yourself home right after.

Your mother greeted you at the door right before heading out to work. She said her goodbye and left for her shift. 

You ran up stairs and watched her car pull out of the driveway and down the street before opening your school bag and starting on the days homework. Thankfully the only thing you had was math. It was a relatively easy subject, and you had been distracted easily. If it wasn't for that, you would have never noticed the black car pull into your driveway.

A mixture of emotions ranging from concern to confusion fled through you as you began to panic. Two men stepped out wearing some sort of uniform with badges.

They had saddened looks on their faces as they approached the door. Normally you would hide under your bed or in the closet, hoping to avoid contact with strangers as much as possible, but this felt like one of the few exceptions.

As they walked up onto the front door step, they began to knock. Not a friendly or hostile knock, more like the knock you get from a new next door neighbor.




"Is anyone home?"


You sighed as headed for your bedroom door as you prepared yourself for yet another awkward interaction. It was probably just some sales men who you would have to turn down, but either way, you didn't want to deal with them.

Even if it was just some harmless strangers, they couldn't have come to your house for a real reason right? Maybe if you stayed quiet enough they would leave. Something felt off though, like you should answer the door. 

You weren't sure what came over your, but without a moments hesitation, you swung the door open. It looked like their hearts skipped a beat as they were faced by you. Not in a weird way, but  more like staring into the face of someone who's life you were about to ruin.

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