Chapter 2

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You opened the glass doors and waltzed into the library. Levi turned his head to the squeak of the door. You rolled your eyes and quickly made your way over to him, taking the seat across.

He didn't so much as acknowledge your presence. The library was nearly empty, so the tension was even thicker. Levi's gaze never left his phone, and it seemed as though he were talking to someone.

The two of you had never voiced a single word to each other, let alone hung out. "What the hell are you looking at?" He hissed. You sent a deadly glare his way. "Nothing more than an ant it seems," you said.

He glared back, obviously not liking his height to mentioned. "So, when exactly are you free to be tutored?" you asked, opening the calendar app. "The weekends, I have practice every other day," he said.

"I'm busy on the weekends. How about every Monday and Wednesday, after your practice?" you asked. "Fine, whatever," he said, pulling out his phone to set a reminder. You weren't really busy on the weekends, but it's not like he would know that. 

You put yours away, and once again, an awkward silence filled the room. The rain continued to pour, and you wonder how you'd get home. For the past three weeks, your car had been in the shop.

It just so happened that three weeks prior, you had run off the road. You hadn't taken any damage, but you wish you could say the same for your car. Jean had given you a ride home every day since, but today he couldn't wait around.

"What exactly are you having trouble with?" you asked, clearing the air. "Nothing," Levi said, crossing his arms and legs. "If that were true, I wouldn't be stuck here with you," you said, ending with a little laugh.

If it wasn't for the librarian, he would have probably killed you right then and there. "If you're going to be like that, then I'll just email Mr. Smith," you said to yourself, pulling out your laptop and opening your email.

Your teacher replied almost immediately and even added a few things you should try. "He said that you are having trouble turning in your assignments and with grammar but could use a bit of work in most subjects," you said.

He averted his gaze, looking to the floor. It was nothing to be embarrassed about, but he still refused to look at me. "It's okay. There's no reason you should feel infirior. I know it can be hard to sit in the presence of a prodigy like me." You gloated.

He gave another glare and shoved his phone into his bag. "If we're all done here, then you can leave," he said, crossing his arms. "I was actually just about to," you said, putting away your laptop and heading out the door.

"What an asshole," you muttered, putting on your raincoat. The rain had only picked up since the morning. By the time you got home, you would most likely be drenched in the rainfall, and your shoes soaked.

A sigh left your lips as you walked out of the building. It wasn't that you hated the rain, but more like you'd rather be dry.

You walked down the sidewalk. Your house around three miles away from the school, and there was no bus to take you home, so you'd have to walk the rest of the way home.

The cars rushed by, not caring if they'd splash you or not. People looked from the shop windows, wondering why someone was walking in the stormy weather.

The wind howled, and the rain came beating down, but you didn't seem to notice it as you focused on getting home.

A car's engine revved from behind you, and you turned quickly to meet it. The windows of the black Toyota Camry rolled down, and you were faced with the boy you had sat in front of only three minutes prior.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked, leaning closer to see you. "Enjoying this beautiful sunny day, what about you?" you asked in a cheerful yet sarcastic voice.

"I'm serious," he said, "and so am I," you said, continuing to walk. He slowly rolled forward, keeping the same distance.

"Get in," he said, leaning over and opening the door for you. You looked at him with confusion for a small while. "I'd rather not," you said, walking off the sidewalk to the woods.

There was a shortcut that only you, Sasha, and Jean knew about that went right to your house. He rolled his eyes as you left and drove off without another word.

Levi Ackerman Pov.

I can't exactly tell why we were so hostile towards each other. For most people I meet for the first time, I act nonchalant towards, but she was different.

 There's just something about her that pisses me off. Maybe it was the way she talked back or the look she gave me, but all that I'm sure of is that I wanted this tutoring thing to end as soon as possible.

2nd Person Pov

You opened your front door to a cold and lonely house. Your mother worked most days, and your father was in the military. The only thing that kept you company was your phone.

You pulled it out, dialing Sasha's number. She picked up almost immediately as you walked up to your room.

"HOW'D IT GO!" she yelled as Connie and Marco peaking over her shoulder. "It was a complete shit show. All he did was look at his phone, and when I tried to start a conversation, he was all grumpy," you complained, leaving out the fact that you were no better.

The three giggled, and you looked for a fresh pair of clothes to replace your soaked ones. "Did you seriously walk all the way home in the rain?" Marco asked, "Yeah, and that asshole even tried to offer me a ride. I bet he thinks if he's, nice he can get out of tutoring," you said.

"Maybe he was just trying to be nice?" Sasha suggested. "Maybe, but, i'm not buying it. There was no way I was getting in his car, he could have killed me," you complained.

Marco sighed at your stupidity. "At least all of my stuff isn't soaked. I had to put my raincoat over my bag to protect it," you said. "Anyways, I have to get going, so I don't freeze to death," you said. The other said goodbye and you hung up the phone.


A/N: Heyo! I hope you enjoyed!

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