Chapter 20: It's a good day after all

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Wow, chapter 20 already! The plot progress is indeed slow 😂😭 sorry about that.

This week's chapter is lighter and it might be light enough for it to be considered a filler lol. The story itself is so every day and slow and mundane that this is probably not considered filler, but at the same time, it doesn't really push the main plot forward, more like tiny ones. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it all the same. Happy reading!


"Feeling better?" she stands up and pats the dust away from her pants. I nod.

"Good enough to eat, actually," I answer and my stomach grumbles. "I'm hungry." Hunnie laughs.

"Feeling sad never stops me from feeling hungry."

"Of course it doesn't," I laugh. "Can't eat yet though. Remember the feast?"

"That's the only reason I wake up this morning," she smirks. "Anyway, let's go now? We can grab a tiny bite before Moonsik arrives, consider it a head start."

"Sure," I shrug. She holds out her hands and pulls me up when I grab them.

The sky is a slightly darker blue when we begin walking. It's no longer uncomfortably bright in the eyes. The surface hit by the light isn't as bright and the shadows on the ground aren't as dark. It is the perfect walking weather.

"Let's go through the main street," Hunnie suggests and I nod, following after her lead.

We walk through the main shopping street, surrounded by live and comfortable chatters. A few shops have turned on their night light and it feels like standing in the open door between two vastly different dimensions, two entirely different atmospheres.

"Y/n," she takes my arms in hers and put her head on my shoulder as we walk. "We should do this more often. Walking around like the two young people that we actually are in the middle of the crowd at night. Embracing the urban lives. Neon lights. Doesn't that sounds amazing?" I hum and look around only to spot a fishcake stand.

"You know what will make this even more amazing?" I smile and drag her towards the short line in front of the stall. "Hunnie, how many sticks? Three? Four?"

"What? We're going to eat after this. I eat a lot but I don't eat that much for a snack."

I keep staring into her eyes, not flinching in the slightest.

"Worth a shot," she shrugs. If I'm haven't been staring as intently at her, I might have missed the sliver of mischief in her eyes. "Four please!"

I nod, taking out my wallet.

The fishcake was good. No, it was great. My stomach stops complaining so violently about its need of food and instead is now sleeping blissfully, covered in warmth from the broth that came with the fishcake, warmth that now travels to the rest of my body. The food paired with urban life sceneries does wonders to calm me down. Well technically, Hunnie is the one who calmed me down but the atmosphere helps, and for once, I feel giddy without it being overcome by nervousness or anxiety. I take a deep breath, enjoying the air, even if it is nothing different from the air I usually inhale.

As we walk with more bounce in our heels nearing a small junction, a big surge of people appears from the mini street on the right. Hunnie pulls me to the side of the street on the left to avoid us bumping into the crowd when she stumbles on her own feet, and with her legs all wobbly, almost crashing onto another person in front of her who is walking towards where we came from. I pull her out of the way just in time before she manages to headbutt them in the stomach, but now, it's the other person who is falling down in slow motion, stumbling on the rock that is jutting out of the walkway, their bright red shopping bags hanging on their arms are flung above their head in some sort of defence mechanism reflex, perhaps in an attempt to get a grip of, something.

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