Chapter 27: Colours

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D-day part two has arrived. Hair colouring exam.

The morning has been such a blur that I cannot for the life of me remember what I ate for breakfast – that is if I've eaten at all, what time I woke up, if I've had my morning tea or coffee, if I've drunk enough water and done all the rest of my boring morning routine. All I could vaguely remember was Hunnie yelling "Don't wear any of your nicest clothes and shoes! If you want to wear them, bring them in a bag and change after the exam!" because 'accident happens,' which is not the most comforting thing one can hear from their hair colourist just a few hours before they colour your hair.

But I stick to it and wore my most unflatteringly fitted jeans and an extremely garish-looking t-shirt my distant relative once gave me, paired with canvas shoes that have already received the Jackson Pollock treatment. The first two, I couldn't care less even if they burn, and the shoes, lightener and hair dyes won't really make a big difference. In fact, it'll be on brand. That is another thing I still remember from this morning, walking around with the most blinding outfit combination next to a radiating Hunnie – who is carrying only her phone and wallet, everything else will be provided by the school – who was laughing at how stupid I look along the way.

Like last time, we were told to wait in a separate room while the exam room is being set up and the judges are getting comfortably settled.

Most participants in the room are either shaking, sobbing, or on the verge of hyperventilating being wholly unprepared for the abruptness of the second exam. Two of them don't even have their hair model as 'calling only a day prior' is not exactly enough to reschedule and cancel important plans. Only some who came to the 'extra credit' session seems to have accepted reality and daze out, their souls having left their bodies and floating everywhere, preferably somewhere that doesn't require them to do this exam. Hunnie on the other hand is the only one who is beaming with happiness. At least she is calm, that's good.

"Tell me, Hunnie, why am I more nervous than you?" I cup my chin in my hands, my elbows resting on the table in front of me.

She shrugs in the chair right next to me. "Cause you're just generally a more nervous person compared to me? Or maybe that I've burned all that nervousness away in the first exam and now I've reached zen."

"Both seems entirely possible."

"I know right."

I hum, my foot tapping on the white tile. "Though I do wonder if, I don't know, say, yesterday, has anything to do with it?"

"Yesterday was great indeed," the corners of her mouth rise as she tries to suppress a grin that is trying to surface. "But that's not all."

"Then? Is it 'cause you like colouring more and you're more confident at it?"

"That's definitely one of the reasons."

"Go on."

"But also, I'm just super excited," she squeals. "I've been imagining you in that haircut with the colour I'm about to dye your hair in and I just, aaaaaaaa!" a few heads turn to us, looking for the source of the weird almost screeching noise. "It's gonna look so good. You're going to look absolutely amazing!"

I grin. "Also, is it weird that even though I'm nervous, I'm way less nervous compared to the first exam?"

"Maybe I've dragged you with me on my way to enlightenment."

"Sure." I continue tapping my feet in the new-found silence, looking at the ceiling. "One last question."


"What actually happened to the exam?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've been thinking about it, right? And I remember you telling me in the beginning that the second exam, this one, was going to be held a week after the first. How come you're only having it now?"

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