Chapter 14: *snip snip*

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(Copyright Disclaimer: the image above does not belong to me)


Thursday, Hunnie cut everyone's hair in the retirement center.

Friday, Hunnie gave probably hundreds of college students free haircuts (and I reckon that something's gonna happen to her in the romance department, but step one, let's get them closer, they might need a little nudging. After the exam of course.)

Saturday, Hunnie moped around the house with nothing to do and no more hair to cut. So she spent hours just brushing all the wigs she has before I made her stop and took her out to play in the park like children before going for a chimaek picnic by the river. We over-ate but there was no regret. The chicken was great.

And then there's Sunday. On Sunday, she spent the entire day panic eating and brooding about how she felt so unprepared – despite giving at least a hundred people a haircut in the past few days – and how she wasn't good enough.

It was to the point that she inhaled most of one whole liter of ice cream like it was a competitive sport then spend the next five minutes groaning due to the brain freeze that followed. I tried all methods including distraction and deflection of topics but it didn't work, not like I was sure it was gonna work anyway. Hunnie is always the person who would rather talk about what's bothering her. Snatching her tub of ice cream away from her cradle to replace her sadness with anger did nothing aside from almost getting me a bite on my hand. So, we did what we should've done from the beginning of the day.

"Why are you like this? I've never seen you this nervous before, ever in fact! You didn't even flinch in your entrance exam!"

"I'm so not ready for my exams! It's possible to do so badly that the Golden Mohawk man bans me from all his salons and then spreads the word so that no one in this country is willing to risk employing me for the rest of my life! Well, maybe unless I then win a competition, but even then, there's no guarantee anyone will let me join a competition unless I go incognito. That's how much influence he has, he—" she mumbled rapidly without any signs of stopping.

"What are you talking about, you're so so ready."

"More like so-so," Hunnie continued her mumbling. I felt an urge to shake her shoulders till her head bobbed up and down to oblivion.

"Hush. Have you forgotten how happy everyone was after the haircut you gave them?"

"Well, not everyone," she whispered but I heard it clearly.

"What do you mean 'not everyone'?" I finger quoted it.

She sighed. Visibly feeling bitter knowing that I've heard her. "I'll tell you after the exam."

"The point is," I continued, "all I ever see is how talented you are. I love all your hair designs. I love all the wigs you styled. I love all the haircuts you did on people and all the works you posted on Instagram. Even if you did one mistake, that must be one out of a few hundred. That's less than one percent!" I waved my hands around to make a point. "Even if you may make the same mistake, the chances are less than one percent!"

"But there's still that one percent!" she yelled, running her hands through her hair while huffing away. She walked in the room back and forth continuously. I didn't say anything and waited until she calmed down, which proved to be a while. When she finally sat on the floor, I stepped out of my bed and sat next to her.

"You know I never go to salons right? Haven't been for like half a decade."

"I could tell," she said, eyeing my hair.

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