Chapter 28: The next step

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It's Wednesday, two days after the exam. The pencil glides smoothly on the surface of the rough and thin paper of my memo-pad, writing away. Rubbish, mostly, or not. I can't really tell. Just random things that catch my eyes in bullet points. Yesterday in class, we learned a couple of things. First, Professor Ha finally got back with his wife. Two, that he's a very nice guy when happy. Three, he has recently read How to read a person like a book and were convinced that we needed to work on our observation. Therefore, four, we learned that he gave us a 'fun' homework, 'observation' homework, to be precise. It could be of anyone – with permission and absolutely no stalking, of course – any number of people and regarding anything in particular. It could be simple or in-depth and we can use any one of the three types of observations we want: Controlled observation, naturalistic observation, and participant observation. It's really up to us.

It's Wednesday afternoon. The pencil continues to glide smoothly. Here I am, arms supporting my body, leaning against the counter, conducting naturalistic observation on anyone my eyes accidentally settle themselves on, whether they're Baram unnie or a visitor, baby or adult, anyone. Right now, however, my eyes gaze is heading towards Manager unnie who is standing precisely behind the cake display case next to me.

"Yes, we do provide that service, may I ask what it is for?" she replies kindly to the phone. I begin to write

          On a phone call. Wide eyes. Surprising news. Good? Bad?

I look closely into her eyes that are darting everywhere.

          Slightly dilated pupils. But it makes her nervous. There is a possibility of failure? An opportunity? An opportunity regarding work?

"I'll call you back in a moment, I need to check the availability regarding the dates. Thank you." She clicks the phone and draws a deep breath.

          One, two, three deep breath. Small stretches here and there. Big news. Nervousness?

Then, she looks at me.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you."

"Yes? What's up?" I put my pencil down and close the notebook. She doesn't answer. Her eyebrows crease, deep in thought. I swallow nervously.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Oh no," she finally looks into my eyes. "Not at all. Just thinking about the dates. Are you free this coming Sunday?"

"Er, depends actually. I might be going somewhere."


"What's up?"

"Well, Baram is unavailable on Sunday and two people have to work for both Saturday and Sunday. If you can't do it too, I might need to tell them that we can't fulfil the order."

"What order?"

"Say," she smiles sheepishly. Her fingers are thrumming on the side of her thighs. "Can you work alone in a truck?"


"Y/n!" Hunnie's voice echoes through the speaker. "Where are you? It's five!"

"Sorry, sorry. Just finished my mini-shift at the store. Got the thing ready."

"Oh, I thought we're meeting outside the store near my school?"

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