Chapter 2: AA is short for Iced Americano

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(the image above does not belong to me)


"One hot latte and an ice tea please."

"Oh, and can I get one of the almond cookies," says the shorter one of the two tall tourists in English.

"Eat in or take away?"

"Here, thank you."

"And pay all together with card, please." The man who ordered the cookie said. He then points to his friend while smiling mischievously. "He's my walking atm." The taller one sighs and takes out his wallet to pay for both of them.

"You're an idiot."

"And you're my walking atm," he replies nonchalantly. The taller one gives up with an exasperated expression and the other did a little victory fist in the air. I suppress a laugh. I wonder what Hunnie might be doing at that precise moment. Did she arrive safely? Is she happy right now? Did she get into a fight with her brothers again? 

I input the sum into the wireless card reader and set it in front of him. "Whenever you're ready." The machine beeps as the payment goes through. "Please wait for your orders on your left." They nod and thanked me.

The man behind them doesn't notice that they've left and stays scanning the dessert display, completely out of it. "Next," I announce. He jumps slightly when I call. His eyebrows shot up for a second before he comes forward, all smiles.

"Can I get four AA, and—" once again, he gets deeply immersed in the cake display, and my mind wonders to the conversation between the two customers from before that just started.

"Hey, what's AA?" The shorter one asks.

"Iced americano."

"What??!" That doesn't make sense!"

"Wait, why?"

"It's supposed to be 'IA', Josh, 'IA'! It's wrong spelling!"

"Well, phonetically, it is AA. A-i-seu A-me-ri-ka-no."

"What language is iced americano?" With that, the taller one sighs again.

"Ollie, you're an idiot."

I check on the customer who is now unawarely glaring the display. His pupils go left and right rapidly as if concerned about keeping the line behind him from moving, but he still can't decide. 

"Do you prefer sweeter cakes or the more sour and zesty ones?" I said with a smile to reassure him that it was okay. I hope he takes the smile as I mean it. I do, on some occasion, has a very disinterested RBF which has led to many misunderstanding when I was younger.

"The zesty ones, I think," he says, rubbing his hands together, a little embarrassed.

"Then I strongly recommend the orange tart here. It's a new special and so far, it's been popular."

"Great!" he chirps enthusiastically and his nervousness seems to melt away from his face. His cheekbones protrude as he smiles brightly, a smile too cute and bright for my eyes to handle. "Then I'll get one."

"Eat here or take away?"

"Take away please," he chirps.

"Anything else?"

"That's all, thank you."

"Okay. How would you like to pay?"

"Oh, card."

I nod and speedily set up the machine again. He takes out his card and scans it swiftly. "Please wait for your orders on your left," I say it routinely. He smiles again and for a second I thought I saw his face radiating light like a lightbulb.

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