Chapter 23: V-ssi's Angel

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That night, I apologised profusely to Hunnie. Can't believe I forgot to tell her and broke my promise cause I was too engrossed in reading fanfic. This is strange because I do read fanfiction once in a while but I've always managed to keep the excitement and squealing to my own time. Is it because of the new-ness of this fanfic fandom? Is this what happens to people who are in too many fanfic fandoms at once? They lost all their friends and become a loner? Not that I wasn't one before.

Luckily, however, she wasn't mad with me. On the contrary, she roared laughing. She laughed in my face, saying how I really am a 'Y/n material' and that it's inevitable because my 'bangtan radar' might be too strong, and next time I should tell her or ask for their autograph.

So here I am a week later behind the register in a half-crowded store looking at V-ssi surrounded, in a way that suspiciously looks almost like he is getting mobbed, by a group of three high school students.

He was coming towards the register when the group that just entered the store spotted him and decided that since they're such 'big fans' they get to somehow harass him. He tries to keep his calm and not talk to them while wading through to pay. My knuckles turn white. Anger and annoyance. I feel my head seething at their absolutely ridiculous behaviour. Just because he's famous they think they get to do that? Do they not think about other people?

"Excuse me, customers," I push down the ugly feeling and muster all the politeness I can but no one is listening. I try again, louder this time. "Excuse me." I clear my throat. They are still crowding around him, blocking his path like a barricade. They're ignoring me. My jaw clenches and I take a deep breath before rushing out of the counter and into the small crowd. "Excuse me, dear customers, you are blocking the way. Please move," I warn them sternly.

They sneer and move away slightly.

V-ssi passes through the gap and rushes with his snack and cola to the cashier and almost instantly, the same group forms a line behind him. Then more people get in the line. I look at them all to see if the situation turns dangerous and in need of a hand from a neutral party, the police maybe, but from their baskets, they are genuinely lining up to pay. Thank goodness.

I quickly scan all his things to try to get him out of this situation as soon as I can.

"That'll be three thousand Won."

He nods and hands me the money.

I whisper leaning a little closer to the counter table, "after this, run and be careful. I'll try to distract them so you should hurry up and go somewhere safer."

"Don't worry. I got my cap and I can just take my jacket off. Plus, I got my angel looking after me."

"The same angel that tells you how much money you should bring?"

"The very same one," he smiles.

"Alright. Be safe out there." He nods gratefully, clutches his purchase, and dashes off.

The high schoolers twitch visibly and I quickly call out "next!" I can see the hesitation in their eyes as their pupils go back and forth between the counter and the door where V-ssi's figure disappeared seconds ago. After a few moments of debating what to do, the old man behind them tells them to move forward quickly and lecture them for obstructing everyone. They give up, staying in line.

I may have failed to get Hunnie that autograph, but it was horrible timing and looking at the circumstances, I'm sure Hunnie would've done the same. Maybe next time, if he doesn't get discouraged from coming to the store where he was slightly harassed.


Yet here we are a couple days later and V-ssi appears again in front of the glass doors for the third time that month.

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