Chapter 36: I'll tell them later

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"I don't think I'm ready for this," Moonsik tugs on my sleeve as a crowd of elderly ambush the newcomer.

"It's the first time we've seen you here. Whose grandchild are you?" asks a sweet-looking elderly lady with plump cheeks. Grandma Choi, if I'm not mistaken.

"Oh, no one. I'm just here to visit with my friends. They say you're all so much fun to talk to," he smiles, and I swear I caught a few of the elderly melting. Oof, that's a mistake. And I'm right because now they surround him even more and none are willing to relent like ants upon finding a sugar crystal.

"Aigoo, what a kind-hearted young man," another grandma cooes, pinching his cheeks. Grandma, uhm, Grandma Baek?

"What a pretty child," another one says. This time I'm sure I don't know her name. She holds his arm with a sparkle in her eyes. "Outside and inside too."

"He's a boy, he's handsome," a grandma with a relatively strong grip, a rough perm, and a hook-like nose argues. I don't know her name either, but I do know her face. It's hard to forget such unique and distinctive feature among Koreans. There's not many people here with that sort of nose.

"I don't know, still more pretty than handsome to me."

"I was more handsome when I was young," a grandpa comments from the edge of the circle of mob.

Moonsik pleads with his eyes. 'Y/n, save me,' he mouths at me. I shake my head apologetically and raise my hands in surrender. It's impossible for me. If I try to move, I'll get swept away until I ended up outside somehow. The only thing that's keeping me in place is my lack of presence and Moonsik grip on my sleeve. The mob is too powerful for me to handle. "What about Hunnie? Where is she? Can she do anything?"

I tilt my head. That's a good point. Where is Hunnie? She was just behind us.

"Hunnie?" I tiptoe and rotate like I'm doing a very awkward and bad imitation of a pirouette while 'en pointe'. "Hunnie?" Nowhere to be seen. "Moonsik, I can't find her."

"Then what are we gonna do?"

"If you can bear it, stay a bit and they'll get bored. Can you though?"

His right eye twitches when a few grandparents start to caress his cheeks like they're rubbing the tummy of a Buddha's statue for good luck. Someone even begins to pat him on the head. "What a good boy."

"Save me," he mouths again.


"Hey, that's not fair. You didn't say that to me nor Y/n when we came the first time."

We turn to the source of the sound behind us and Hunnie is standing there with her arms folded. Finally, here she is. I thought she abandoned us for a minute. Behind her stands Grandma Kang standing in a similar stance, but her hands are resting comfortably on her waist.

"That's because you got a filthy mouth. You swore not one minute after you said hello," she scolds. "And Y/n? Who is Y/n?"

"What do you mean, who is Y/n! The one I brought with me a few times? The one with the unique hair?"

The all turn to me and my currently very-pale-pink-almost white hair. I smile awkwardly. "Hi."

"Oh, I thought you're Kang's child!" Grandma Baek covers her mouth with her hand and Grandma Choi nods besides her.

I cough violently, accidentally choking on my own spit. "But we don't look alike, or do we? Besides, how young must she be, or how old must I be if she is my mother?"

"No, you don't look like Kang," Grandma Choi waves her hand. "I just thought you take after you dad. And no, you don't look old, I thought she had you in one of her late fifties adventure. I wouldn't be surprised. She's wild like that. How old are you?"

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