Chapter 3: Early Birthday Presents

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Today, as I walk to work, my mind returns to last night.

Hunnie came back home at 8:30, still wearing that purple dress that she wore when they dipped her into the ocean. I scolded her for not changing and keeping herself warm, but she laughed, called me a grandpa and shrugged it off saying it dried along the way and that it looked good on her. I couldn't deny it. It did look really good on her. I checked up on her again this morning before she left for 'colour-theory' class, complaining as she grabbed her bag and took her notebooks out as a protest for being forced to pay for something she already mastered when she was fourteen. She was completely fine, no cold, no nothing. I guess her immune system is as strong as her grip and her personality. I didn't have anything to worry about after all.

Tomorrow is her birthday and despite being friends for God knows how long, regretfully, I really have no idea what to get her. Maybe it's because I know her too well and I know for a fact that the only few things she could ever want are beauty school equipment. Let's see. Specialty scissors are out of my budget and all her scissors and razors are still in great conditions — she brags about how great she is at maintaining her blades fresh and sharp. Hair dyes could be an option, but they're complicated. I don't know which colour and undertone she wants and what brand. Another option could be wigs. Long, black, textured hair wigs, but, better not. If we buy one more wig, our house might just explode – they've already taken over our floor.

I mull over it, stopping on my track, waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green to cross the road. What did I give her last year? Did she like it? The light turns green and I cross the road. That's right. I remember. I gave her a returnable shirt, which she refunded. She then used the money to help her pay for a new black virgin-hair wig. I didn't mind, it's better that she got something she'll thank me for, and I made sure to buy something refundable for that specific purpose. Should I do the same thing again this year?

I spot the café as I turn the corner from the main road. There is barely anyone on the mini pedestrian-only street. When I arrive, the door is already unlocked and the manager is already there, wiping the tables. I really have to give her props for always being so diligent.

I head straight to the staff room to stuff my bag in the locker and change into the uniform. Should I just give her money? Maybe I should just  ask her directly. Last time she had to go all the way to the store to trade it in. It'll be easier for everyone to just give her the money or whatever it is she wants directly rather than going back and forth for formality. Yeah. I should just do that instead. Who doesn't love a wade of cash in an envelop?


About an hour in and I'm completely alone in an empty café fiddling with a pen. I spin it skilfully on my fingers, like one does when that's all they do in high school. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. Shit! I thought I've put it on vibrate. I look around. Still alone. I glance back at the phone, Hunnie, and pick it up. 


"Hey! It's only been an hour and I can already feel my soul slipping away. Is this how it feels when they say bored to death?"

"No ide—" the bells ring and I abruptly snap my head towards the door. It was just the wind. "No idea."

"Anyway. I'm ditching the second hour and now that I've decided to ditch it since it's my only class today, I'm free for the rest of today. When'll you finish your shift?"

"At two. Then I'll also be done for the day."

"I thought you have another shift? the convenient store?"

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