Chapter 10: Words that start with the letter 'b'

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(Copyright Disclaimer: the image above does not belong to me)

The BIGGEST thanks to Veles from Ao3 for proofreading all the chapters! I need it desperately! Apparently my brain repels grammar with all its might, idk. THANKS VELES!!!!


My stomach grumbles.

It's one-thirty-five. Despite the slightly crowded streets and pavements, it's not a particularly great day. It's been, okay, I guess, but definitely not great. The concrete and the asphalt of the streets are almost sweltering hot and I already start perspiring at a rapid pace the moment I left the café. I seem to be the only one affected. Everyone else either wears a hat or a cap or walks under a parasol or a conveniently black umbrella.

I flap my hand in an attempt to fan my face. The wind that the hand-fan delivers is humid and warm and not cooling in the slightest.

My stomach grumbles again.

I stop in my tracks and look around for something, anything. There's that pancake place Hunnie and I frequented on the right and a burger place on the left. None of them is a viable choice. I shouldn't get anything heavy. Hunnie would probably be hungry as heck when she's done so I can't eat now. What can I get? Water. Ice water. I'm dying a little inside. Ice water and a small gimbap or a little bottle of chocolate milk. Or ice cream. Walking through this area, I know that after one more crossing from here, there will be a convenience store located one block away which fortunately is within the route to Hunnie's school. I'll just choose when I get there. Hopefully, by then, I haven't lost my consciousness yet.


The moment I reach Hunnie's beauty school, I find a circular concrete bench under a big tree. The concrete feels cool under the touch and it seems to be the only place in the whole area that is completely untouched by the sunlight.

Sitting there, I open and drink the cold milk I bought and down half of the bottle, feeling grateful that I made it alive. Once I'm no longer on the verge of dehydration, I pull out a small gimbap from my bag and devour it without a pause. It was a good thing I managed to restrain myself enough from buying the whole store. With how much my stomach was rumbling in the store, it's not too far-fetched.

Only when I'm on my second gimbap that I take the time to enjoy it. Convenience stores really have increased their food standards. These are really good, as good as home-made ones. I finish them in small bites then wash it away with the milk. I sigh in satisfaction. My stomach now rests on a comfortable level. Not full but not empty. I lean back, looking at the sky. They're as blue as blue can be. I decide to stop moving and just look at it no matter how long until Hunnie finds me. Yeah, that seems like a good idea.


"Y/n!" Hunnie calls out and rushes towards me after time has passed indefinitely. I don't know what time it is, only that the air is not as hot anymore. Did time even pass at all? "Did you wait long?"

"I don't think so?"

"Good enough." She smiles, gives me her hands and pulls me up when I grab them. "Let's go eat, I'm starving."

"What do you wanna eat?"

"Anything. My stomach has been complaining non-stop in class."

Right after she says that my stomach grumbles again. "Same."

"Let's go then."


"I just need to pay now. You can wait outside for me," she shoo-s me away.

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